Rambling 304: Important History Facts You Arent Taught

What is the origin of Google? Are Hotdogs or McDonald’s older? Is John Wick just Neon in another Matrix Loop? The duo unpack the most pressing historical questions ever asked in an attempt to get to the logical origin of human history.

Rambling 304: Important History Facts You Arent Taught

+Episode Details

  • Origin of Google
  • Origin of McDonalds
  • Origin of Hotdogs
  • Origin of Sausages
  • Is John Wick Neon?

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

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Rambling 303: Johnny and the Bobs

Could a Synth similar to Fallout 4 androids truly trick a person? Could anything else  fool us the same? Who the hell is Bob? The duo unpack the concept of uncanny valley and whether or not it’d be possible to replace someone familiar with a copy.

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Rambling 303: Johnny and the Bobs

+Episode Details

Topics Discussed

  • Synths
  • Demonic Possessions
  • Clones
  • Twin Brothers

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 302: How Was 2024?

What was memorable about 2024? What was Israel’s role last year and why? Are elites screwed? The duo talk about the events of 2024 that stood out to them and attempt to add context and ground those events. 

Rambling 302: How Was 2024?

+Episode Details

  • Diddy Parties
  • Jersey Drones
  • Olympic Break Dance
  • American Presidential Elections
  • Israel and Jews
  • Drake v Kendrick Rap Beef

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

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Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 301: Fall Guy Luigi and Cali Fires

How are the California fires getting started? Who really is the Hitman Luigi? And are these two things in any way connected? The duo continue connecting the dots of the mysterious Rich Guy Eater and it might shockingly explain the growing California fires.

Rambling 301: Fall Guy Luigi and Cali Fires

+Episode Detail

Topics Discussed

  • the Victim, the Hitman and the Fall Guy
  • California Fires
  • Epstein’s List
  • Diddy’s List
  • The Desperate Rich
  • Bias Jurors
  • Evidence Destruction

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 300: Diddy and Luigi

Is this reality? Is anything real? Can any source be trusted on any subject? The duo dive even deeper into the conspiracy theory surrounding the Chinese Drones and the CEO assassination. Now, with Diddy tied to Luigi, chaos ensues and the duo is increasingly suspicious of the United States Government and what their involvement in all this really is!

Rambling 300: Diddy and Luigi

+Episode Details

  • Matrix Falling Apart
  • Deja Vu
  • Lover Lawyers
  • Government Coverup
  • Epstein’s Island
  • Floating Orbs
  • Government Drones
  • Chinese Invasion
  • Conspiracy Theory

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 299: Dead CEOs and Chinese Drone

What happened in the news recently? Who did in the CEO? Is New Jersey under an Alien Invasion? The duo unpack the recent big stories taking over the nation in an attempt to ground recent happenings.The conclusions and discoveries take a left turn neither of our journalists could have ever expected!!

Rambling 299: Dead CEOs and Chinese Drones

+Episode Details

  • CEO Assassination
  • Poor Eat the Rich
  • Elites in Panic Mode
  • Alien Invasion
  • New Jersey
  • Chinese Drones
  • New World Order

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 298: The Grounding of Stuff

What road has brought the duo to the present moment? What were some of the greatest hits? What has been understood? The duo discuss their history of grounding things through the years.

Rambling 298: The Grounding of Stuff

+Episode Details

  • Adrenochrome
  • Elysians
  • Elfame
  • The Shadow Realm
  • St. Patrick
  • Hermes
  • Eloai
  • Advanced Technologies
  • Jesus Christ

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 297: Most Likely Apocalypse

Which of the possible coming apocalypses is going to be the actual one to play out? How did Noah survive the previous Apocalypse? How Screwed would we all be if a super-volcano erupted? The duo tries to identify which world ending event holds the most water and then attempt to guess who might actually know the answer to the question and why.

Rambling 297: Most Likely Apocalypse

+Episode Details

  • The Most Probably Apocalypse
  • Noah’s Lineage
  • Super Volcanoes
  • Ice Meteor
  • Super Virus
  • Who knows what’s coming?

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 296: Godzilla: The True Story

Are the stories about Godzilla based on truth? Do elites have to tell us about their actions because of some deal? What is the truth behind Godzilla? The duo unpack and attempt to ground the concept of Godzilla in reality in an attempt to discover if it's real or not.

Rambling 296: Godzilla: The True Story

+Episode Details

  • How did it get so big?
  • Are its powers scientific?
  • Was it created or discovered?
  • Is it in the wild or kept under control?
  • Are there others?
  • How do we know about it?

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 295: Real Life Pokemon

Would a world with real Pokemon be much different? What would change? Could we find practical uses for these creatures? Following a former conversation about potty training Pokemon, the duo unpack what a world with these powerful creatures could be like.

Rambling 295: Real Life Pokemon

+Episode Details

Topics Discussed:

  • Potty Training
  • Pets
  • Poke People
  • Chicken fighting
  • Eating Pokemon

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 294: Surviving the Apocalypse

What is the most likely current apocalypse scenario? Is there a quick act plan that can be enacted for the largest number of people? What would that plan look like? The duo attempt to develop a general plan as they casually discuss the ever increasing likelihood of the world ending.

Rambling 294: Surviving the Apocalypse

+Episode Details

Topics Discussed:

  • World War 3
  • Zombie Apocalypse
  • Tyrannical Government
  • Purifying Water
  • Hiding vs Running
  • Bicycles

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 293: Atlantis Migration

What can the migration path of the Elysians tell us? What was the true goal in heading to Atlantis? Did they go straight there first? The duo unpack the  mass evacuation of the Persian Gulf Oasis and the Migration of the Elysians on their way to the Atlantic Ocean.

Rambling 293: Atlantis Migration

+Episode Details

  • Elysians
  • Atlantis
  • Bimini Road
  • Persian Gulf Oasis
  • Greater Bahamas Landmass
  • 20k Years Ago Sea Level
  • Year 1

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 292: The Lost City of Dwarka

What is the ancient city of Dwarka? What is known of it? What is it no longer around? The duo comb through what is known of a lost ancient city found beneath the ocean by researchers. From its structures to its technology and its ultimate downfall, no stone is left unturned. What is discovered adds a new layer to what we know about ancient civilizations.

Rambling 292: The Lost City of Dwarka

+Episode Details

  • Ancient City
  • Advanced Technology
  • Sonar Scanning
  • Historical Records
  • Solar Energy
  • Flood Prevention
  • Mysterious War

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 291: Jinn Towns

Are there locations similar to the Neighborhood of Paradise? Do the swapped children have something to do with it? And how does this connect to the Judge? The duo unpack Paranormal Lost Towns and Villages around the world in hopes of discovering a link to either Paradise or the ancient Judge.

Rambling 291: Jinn Towns

+Episode Details

  • Jibaro VIllages
  • Quiet Towns
  • Los Pueblos Perdidos
  • Villages of the Lost Children
  • Brigadoon
  • El Chino

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 290: Connecting the Dots Part 2

Is there anything the duo missed? What could it be? What’s hidden within the research that hasn’t yet been spotted? The duo deep dive into a conversation attempting to connect any dots missed and in search of any information overlooked that might have been significant. What they discover changes everything they know with answers that have been right under their noses all along!

Rambling 290: Connecting the Dots Part 2

+Episode Details

  • Elysians
  • Greek Gods
  • Ancient Experiments
  • Shadow Realm
  • Jinn
  • Lucifer and Samael
  • Shinto Gates

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 289: The Neighborhood of Paradise

Where is Paradise? What is the history of this mysterious place? What is the true purpose of this hidden Neighborhood Town? The duo finally deep dive into the most mysterious neighborhood in the United States. Nearly impossible to locate, almost no information about it and the strangest circumstances surrounding the area around the neighborhood. The truth about this place will be revealed.

Rambling 289: The Neighborhood of Paradise

+Episode Details

Topics Discussed:

  • West Milford New Jersey
  • Secret Dirt Road
  • Google Maps
  • Private Residency
  • Public Records
  • Personal Accounts
  • Resources and Food
  • Extremely Strange Details

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 288: Minotaur

What exactly is the Minotaur? What was its purpose? Where does it come from? The duo unpack the many myths and hidden stories of one of Greece’s most infamous creatures in a search to find any shred of relevant data that could help inform them beyond previously reached barriers in the data related to the Elysians or Clinton Road.

Rambling 288: Minotaur

+Episode Details

  • Greek Mythology
  • Minotaur
  • Ancient Punishment
  • The Labyrinth
  • Survival Maze
  • Poseidon

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 287: Lamia

Who is the Greek Mistress Lamia? What is the narrative surrounding her death? What is the truth surrounding her death? The duo unpack the mythology of an interesting creature known as Lamia, a mistress of a Greek God and what really unfolded with their affair.

Rambling 287: Lamia

+Episode Details

Topics Discussed:

  • Greek Mythology
  • Naga
  • Romantic Jealousy
  • Hera
  • Snake Pits
  • Shapeshifting
  • Necromancers
  • Jesus Christ

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 286: Flatwoods Monster

What exactly is the Flatwoods Monster? What circumstances surround its sighting? Have we seen it before? The duo open the case of Flatwoods Monster, a strange West Virginia sighting of an eerie creature more relevant that anyone could have ever predicted.

Rambling 286: Flatwoods Monster

+Episode Details

  • Mass Sightings
  • Police Report
  • Farm House
  • Meteor
  • Mothman
  • Adrenochrome

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 285: Mining Operation

What was the Clinton Furnace used for? When was it built? What did its function result in? The duo continue to unpack the mysteries of the Clinton Furnace and the forest surrounding Clinton Road. With even shadier deals being uncovered and more questions being asked then answered, the well just got deeper.

Rambling 285: Mining Operation

+Episode Details

Topics Discussed:

  • Clinton Furnace
  • The Five Mines
  • Underground Railways
  • Classified Underground Bunkers
  • Steel Shock Resistant Lining
  • WW1 and WW2
  • Shady Third Party Contractors

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod