Showcase - Week of: 10/27/19-11/2/19

New Submissions:

  • Midnight City - By Vihang Naik

  • Her-story - By Sushant Thapa

  • Inka’s Curse Part 28: Cave - By Cristina Collazo

  • The Robot Overlords - By Alex Almeida

  • My Suitcase - By James Geehring

  • Me - By James Geehring

  • Art History - By Mike Turner

  • The Gathering - By Shannon Kelley

  • Ribbon of Sand - By Michael Prongue

  • You Can Smell the Love - By Robert L. Scarry

Favorite Submission of The Week:

  • Art History - By Mike Turner

New Club Member!

We would like to thank Robert L. Scarry for their continued support and participation in The Writers Club. Because of their consistent contribution, we’re awarding them Member Status and encourage you to check out their collections of literature.

Thanks to this writer the visiting readers have had plenty more to read.

We hope all our writers continue to write and share when they feel up it. And we highly encourage our readers to take a shot as well!

New: Writing Tip #8 - Avoid Description Bombs

Our latest writing tip focuses on when descriptions matter, when they don’t and how to best go about describing things within your story.

Try your best to write without constantly stopping the story to describe actions, character, world or narrative. The goal should be to tell the story in such a way that this information gets conveyed organically without a single pause to the story. Pacing matters, but destroy stops and pauses and trade them for faster or slower pacing.

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New Club Member!

We would like to thank Mike Turner for their continued support and participation in The Writers Club. Because of their consistent contribution we’re awarding them Member Status and encourage you to checkout their collections of literature.

Thanks to this writer the visiting readers have had plenty more to read.

We hope all our writers continue to write and share when they feel up it. And we highly encourage our readers to take a shot as well!

New Club Members!

We would like to thank RayFed and Moin Uddin for their continued support and participation in The Writers Club. Because of their consistent contribution we’re awarding them Member Status and encourage you to checkout their collections of literature.

Thanks to these two writers the visiting readers have had plenty more to read.

We hope all our writers continue to write and share when they feel up it. And we highly encourage our readers to take a shot as well!

New Shop

Hello fellow readers and writers!

We’re happy to announce that we’ve added a section to The Writers Club that we’ve titled ‘Shop’ with the general purpose of directing our writers to resources at they can use to improve on writing. You’ll find a large selection of books to checkout focused on writing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, music and flash fiction. You’ll also find at the bottom some notebooks (for those more comfortable with pen and paper) and laptops.

You can find the Shop in the navigation bar at the top of any page in The Writers Club.

This has been made possible through the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

So please, check these products out and maybe you’ll find something interesting!

Website Updates!

Hey guys,

Just dropping in to let you all know some new updates have been made to The Writers Club and the entire Grey Thoughts website as a whole. A couple of new details are present that were not before. I’ll run down a couple of them right here for you.

  1. The website has been redesigned on both mobile desktop. One of the changes is that on Desktop the menu has been collapsed into a single button titled “Menu” which when highlighted shows all the options for moving around the website. On Mobile an icon to the top left opens the tab to see the menu and navigation can continue from there as usual. This will give the writers club a more detached feel from the rest of the website.

  2. Each page in The Writers Club now has a navigation system which can guide you to any part of the club. This is accessible even from within individual submissions.

  3. Clicking ‘The Writers Club’ banner will take you to the home page.

  4. On desktop the website has been narrowed and has a slimmer look and feel.

Those are just some of the new details added and changed to the website. Seth McAllister has been hard at work modifying and altering the little details to make things easier for visitors to the website and we appreciate him greatly.

Nice Features!!

Hey there, readers and writers of The Writers Club!

Just wanted to say hi and let you know of some details about The Writers Club that aren’t normally addressed. We tend to keep quiet, but the big boss has instructed us to be a tad bit more vocal about The Writers Club so we’re doing that now!!

We just wanted to share some of the features we’re excited we’ve managed to get on The Writers Club.

Lets hop in.

  1. We’re extremely excited about the nifty translation add on we found. It functions on the entire website if you wander around, but it’s mainly implemented to assist individuals from around the world in accessing and reading the submissions on The Writers Club as well as any foreign writers we might have (which are many.)

    The translation option could be accessed on the upper right hand corner of the website from any page. A drop-down menu will contain all the possible languages to translate the website too.

  2. On the Submission Form page there is a tiny little button at the very button that’ll lead you to the Classic Submission Form which uses different software in the case that you are struggling with the current submission form. That’s just a nice additional option to have since not all browsers are equally friendly. This is another option added considering our visitors from around the world.

  3. The search bar at the top of The Writers Club is the most powerful tool next to the Categories Page. Searching up whatever interesting things you’d like to read will throw you down a great, fun rabbit hole of discovering new writers. It never gets old. I promise.

Those are just some of the interesting features and things to do on The Writers Club. And we will continue to support this platform and improve it for the foreseeable future. Better yet, anytime something new comes along you will all find out right here on The Writers Club Blog!

Thank you for going on this journey with us. Keep Writing. Keep reading. Keep creating.