The Life's Walk

Life is a Walk in Reality.


The nights are dark and so much deep

Often we travel through the shackles and clear the streams

If Our Life was the only fact unknown

We wouldn’t get any answer and end up with groan

Unstoppable we go overcoming the highs and lows

Rallying for a cause and learning from all blows

Somewhere deep and down inside we know

That this life is only a one man's show

Clouds always floats high up in the sky

Every failure is worth a lot as it teaches you a lesson to fly

Life’s Answers are hidden in the questions we see

Might be your “Six” feel like “Nine” to me

Just there is one life so live it at full

Face the situations being calm and cool

I don’t want to end this poem as I don’t feel like its right

Because the reality that I had told till, is from infinite to might.

By Ashish Dutt

From: India

Twitter: Spirits10funn