Inka’s Curse Part 22: Found

From what I can tell, those are not the same spirits assailing us. They seem like just a memory on repeat. Still, I wouldn't want to run into them. They sound physical. They sound real. I take one step at a time hoping to at least make the least amount of noise as possible. 

As I reach down the staircase, all I hear is the sea. Then as I continue to walk, I hear voices. The leader's voice and a considerably more youthful voice who sounds concerned. I hear them get closer, and I run back up the stairs. 

What's wrong with me? I have to get back down there. I'm convinced I heard Titan's voice. Where did they take him? Where is Rachel? Silence again. The seas roar is my only companion. I have to confront the fear of handling my sword. I need some guidance. I tighten my grip around it as I hoist it up. The flames flicker on. 

I walk down the stairs. Then find another flight of stairs. I don't think about it this time and continue walking until I made it to a hall that leads to an open door. There is light coming in from the room. Several flashes of light. But no sounds. I'm not jumping in there unless I overhear a familiar voice. 

I put away the sword and walk closer. I'm a statue not sure if I'm needed. It is possible that Rachel can do this on her own. Should I go in? I want to get closer. At least now I can't hear my footsteps as the roar of the ocean seems to have overtaken everything. A muffled sound of a struggle. My friends need me. 

I’ve been on the move and still don’t feel better about anything. Thoughts keep tumbling around in my head and every time I think I have a course of action, self-doubt steps in. Sometimes I get lost in my own head. 

My nerves screamed for me to do something. Anything. I remember when I had been staring at the horizon for over an hour, seeking any sign of life. My father had said he’d come back for me, but I couldn't wait forever. As silently as I could, I gathered the strength to walk away.

It was time to do something. This time though I wouldn’t make the same mistake. I won’t run away. I barge into the room. It is a spacious dining room. 

I ready my sword to swing as soon I as I see anything. This time I won't be caught off guard. 

There are men with torches surrounded Rachel and Titan. They stink like fish and whale guts, and most had oozing sores on their faces and necks. Titan raised a hand against the torches, "Got a plan?"

“We need a prayer,” Rachel said, “You wouldn’t have to know any?”

“One that I never use,” I shout, “It’s supposed to be used to summon plentiful fish.” Then Titan begins to suffocate but he’s trying his best to say whatever pray he knows.

By Cristina Collazo