Inka’s Curse Part 24: Shoreline

Rachel seems to be in pain. Her nose must be dying. We stand in silent as she says her prayer one last time.

The only way to return to shore was to swim.

I felt a tug and then I’m suddenly underwater. I fight to pull away.

There was nothing we could do as he swam around us laughing. A dolphin man from the group we met a few days ago. How could we fight him in his territory? Rachel couldn’t wield her bow. Titan was still recovering from the ghosts. I had my sword, but I couldn’t use its magic here.

Rachel pointed to the fin that was now closer to Titan and then to my back. I took her meaning and nodded, then drew the sword. As a group we swam and grabbed the dolphin, who fell silently with a blade to its gills.

Swimming back to shore realizing I've destroyed another of my dad's belongings. My aunt is not going to be very happy when she finds out.

The water was frigid. The bandages float away.

She gently grazed the skin on my wrist. It was red and swollen, every time I prodded it my body screamed out in pain. She sighed, it had gotten worse since the time we examined it.

Rachel recognizes who those four men are. She was part of their group but it’s more complicated than that. Rachel stops, placing her hands on shaky knees as she tried recovering. Titan doesn't trust Rachel but he wants to stay with us in case she betrays me. I give her a chance.

She recalls what happened. She doesn’t know where or how the queen obtained the lethal weapon. She knows the queen is wicked and destroyed Oakheart with the sword. Her men died to get rid of the mighty weapon. They got cursed for betraying the queen. She also has a strong spell on her that forced her to retrieve the sword.

We need to rest before moving on. This trip has been as emotionally draining as it has been physically draining.

I used to lie on massive rocks at the beach, gazing up into the sky. It made me feel calm. I felt small and alone. I thought by myself I’d be safe.

She rubbed her eyes waking up from her nap. Rachel sits by the spot Titan was sitting. He gets up with a frown on his face. He had been on watch most of the night. Rachel wants her turn, and she knows he needs to sleep. He sits where she had been sleeping. I’ve been awake for a while. My pale face probably looks ghostly in the darkness. Maybe I’m not so alone anymore. Remarkably I still feel safe.

Rows of fangs flashed when Rachel opened her jaws. As we watched the wreckage still burning away Rachel howled piercingly. Titan called out to me. I sat by him.

“Do you believe in her?”

“I want to...She’s saved me more than once already.”

“I’m not so certain about her.”

By Cristina Collazo