Inka's Curse Part 18: Request 2

The queen smiles. I’m unsure if that’s a good sign. The queen bore scars on her neck. When we met, I was able to see they were lettering.

She nodded and said, “Yes, of course. I can help her too.”

“Alright what do I have to do?”

She told me that a dragon was the source of there being more creatures in our land and how he was a threat to us all. He was responsible for what happened to Oakheart. He put a spell on those people who had attempted an attack on Wellspring.

They also attacked the ship where her soldiers were transporting the only weapon that could stop the dragon. She admitted she put a spell on the armor because it was too powerful and dangerous for anyone to have.

“What exactly can I do?”

“You need to gather the rest of the cursed armor. They should still be on the ship. Next, you have to defeat the dragon.”

Queen Ellen is genuinely surprised I am alive. She explains that sword and armor are made of a dead dragon she found.

“There’s no possible way I can survive that. And even if I did, wouldn’t the armors curse kill me?”

“It might but that is your punishment. If you’re lucky and survive, you are free to live on but if you decide not to do this you will be executed. I am sorry, but those are your only options.”

I wish I could come up with a third option but she seems as though she means what she says. I better do something before she decides I won’t be capable to accomplish this mission and executes me instead.

“Okay, I’ll do it.” I know I have to do as she says but her eyes. I can’t help but feel as though there’s more that she’s not telling me. But it has to be. She expects me to fight a dragon. Either she knows the sword can really defeat it or she wants me to lose. I can’t understand that, though. I’m sure either way she wants the sword back.

She smiled and said, “You will be rewarded if you succeed. If you’d like I can provide some guards to come with you to support you and detect the shipwreck.”

“No thank you. I’ll do it alone.”

She smiled at me. For all one knows she does sincerely believes in me.

“That’s excellent. But we will let you know where to locate the shipwreck. The sword will reveal precisely the way to you to the dragon. Good luck.”

I need all the luck in the world for this.

I find Rachel outside of the castle waiting for me. Adults don’t avoid looking in our direction as children aw in amazement. I wonder how much it bothers her before in this odd state of being. Ignoring those around us I tell her what Queen Ellen expects of me. I truly don’t think that I can succeed. Rachel instantly reminds me of all I had done to survive so far.

By Cristina Collazo