Rationalization, Responsibility, and Regret

Denial, admission, and acceptance - skewed?


Is it Destiny

Brings me to this day?

Shadows, ghosts and fog

Shades of black and grey

Chances once not taken

Wagers cast and lost

Promised gold and silver

Paid in worthless dross

Can I blame cruel Fate

For where I’m now found?

Had I no control

Over paths gone down?

Conscience might be eased

That acts weren’t my own

Being predetermined

I need not atone

But as I ponder

What brought me thus

To shift the burden’s

Neither true nor just

‘Twas premeditation

Courses I did choose

Not predestination

And shan’t be excused

I have played my part

Offer no excuse

And accept the sentence

Of this hanging noose

But while judgement passes

With doubts I’m beset

Is it for my crimes

Or for being caught

For which now I feel regret?

By Mike Turner

From: United States

Website: http://www.MikeTurnerSongwriter.com

Twitter: @SchoonerSkipper

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/MikeTurnerSongwriter