Picking Up Katie

“Trashy, much?” Angie asked her reflection in the rearview.  

She wiped the black mascara smudges from her cheeks, then grabbed a hair-tie and smoothed her tangled locks into a ponytail. She opened her car door, stroking her oversized shirt. Crumbs rained onto the concrete.  

At the daycare entrance, she tapped the code to enter, but the door remained locked. She tapped it again. Nothing. 

The girl at the desk walked to the door and opened it. 

“Thanks.” Angie stepped into the lobby. “You guys change your code?” 

The girl shrugged. “I’m new. It’s 2231.” 

“They must’ve changed it.” Angie leaned against the desk. “My husband’s been on daycare duty the past few weeks. He must’ve forgotten to tell me.” 


Angie snorted. “I know it’s early, but I wanted to surprise Katie with a mommy-daughter day.” 

“Aw! Which room? Sorry, I don’t everybody’s name yet.” 

“Young Toddlers.” Angie’s heart thrummed in her chest. “I’m so excited.” 

“A mommy in love.” The girl winked. 

Angie headed to the Young Toddlers room and stepped inside. The teacher hunched at the other end, consoling a screaming boy.  

A tiny hand tugged Angie’s sweatpants. She looked down and smiled. 

“Princess!” Angie lifted Katie into her arms. She pressed her face into the child’s blonde ringlets and inhaled. “Missed you.”  

The one-year-old smiled. 

They left and waved to the girl at the desk as they exited the lobby. 

“Katie, don’t cry,” Angie said, strapping Katie into the car sear. “It’s mommy-daughter day. Stay still, baby.” 

Katie thrashed, but Angie managed to get her strapped in. She walked around the SUV, climbed in and started the engine.  

A woman burst from the daycare and threw herself onto the hood of Angie’s car. 

“Crazy bitch,” Angie whispered. 

“Angie!” The woman glared at her. “Give us Maddy.” 


Memories flooded her mind. Angie slapped a hand over her face.  

Bye, mommy. Her husband had said, holding their blond baby in his arms. We’re going to school, see you tonight. 


“Get out of the car,” the woman yelled. 

Angie twisted around and stared at the screaming child; her blonde ringlets wet with sweat. 

“Not blonde,” Angie whispered. 

Black hair hung around the girl’s face. 

Where are you? I’ve been worried! Angie had said when she’d answered her husband’s call. Are you coming home? Katie— 

This is Officer Pearson. There’s been an accident. 

“No!” Angie slammed her head against the steering wheel.  

She heard the back door open but continued to beat her head against the wheel.  

Her door opened. Two hands gripped her shoulders. 


She turned to the woman feeling warm liquid ooze down her cheeks. 

“I called the police, Angie. I’m sorry. But this is the second time you’ve done this.” 

“This isn’t real,” Angie whispered. “They’re not…she’s not…”  

“Oh, sweetie. They’re gone. It’s been over a year.” She pulled Angie into an embrace. 

Angie sank into the woman’s bosom.  

I’ll need to pick up Katie from school, today. She thought. We’ll have a mommy-daughter day. 

By L.L. Asher

From: United States