Why Won’t You Watch?

Why can’t you watch? Marlene has no problem watching; why do you? Marlene not only is watching she has a smile showing her approval. While you...you remain emotionless

Kenneth may have been Marlene’s “pride-and joy”, but Kenneth was a “bad dude.” His going away was a blessing for everyone...except Marlene, of course.

I really had no choice. When Phyllis developed a relationship with Kenneth, she ceased being a part of my life. For me that was devastating. Phyllis was my older sister; she was part of my life from the day I was born. Then Kenneth’s influence began; she became his property, his slave, and ultimately his victim.

I had no regrets and welcomed the needle they inserted. I only wished I killed him before Phyllis put a-needle in her arm. Soon, both needles will have performed the same task.

It seems so unfair. Kenneth caused my sister’s death; I caused Marlene’s son’s death. Now Marlene enjoys my death while mourning Kenneth’s. Who will mourn Phyllis’ and mine?

Who is the bad guy here? It certainly isn’t me. I eliminated a vermin, a social pestilence. Kenneth was that pestilence. Thank God he’s gone. Will someone take his place? Who will take my place? No one seems to care; why won’t you watch? Are you aware this is somehow wrong and needs repair?

They say there is no justification without the application of Justice. If that is true, why can’t you watch as euphoria invades my mind and eliminates my anxiety? You have been given an opportunity to see Justice dealt. Yet, you choose not to use that opportunity.

Know that I am watching you. You tense, I presume, because you sense my helplessness. I crave your compassion, but admittedly I do not understand your behavior. What feeling do you conceal that prevents your observation? With a simple glance you can answer my question as I leave ...wanting, but unable to scream, “Why is it you cannot watch?”


By Robert L. Scarry

From: United States

Twitter: USNavy1990bob

Facebook URL: Facegook.com/Robert.Scarry.3