Friendly Reservations

Ever wonder what the animals discuss at the Dog Park?


Barkly and Roscoe were buddies. They generally got together every week at the park. Without leashes they were free to run and compare their days. “So what’s new with you?” Roscoe began the interrogation. Barkly always had something going on.

“We got a cat.”

“Really? How is that working out?”

“That feline bitch is about to ruin my life.” Roscoe realized he was about to instigate a wild tale. Barkly’s melodramatic and epic stories were often filled with self-pity, but they were undeniably spellbinding.

“How’s that?” Roscoe asked, wishing he had kept his mouth shut.

“She showed up, Monday morning looking hopeless while curled up on the front porch. I’m guessing someone dumped her after the weekend... She’s a real pain.”

“Why? What happened?” Roscoe expected an exaggerated tale, but his expectations were severely underestimated.

Well, Purr-Key,... that’s what they named her,... got into my food; it made her sick as a dog...Pardon my funny,...She puked all over the place.”

“So, what did they do?”

“They cleaned it up, and then they decided not to leave a bowl of my food out for my ad lib snacking.

”I never thought that was a good idea. It’s probably the reason you are overweight.

“That’s not all. Ms. Purr-Key, it seems, has a thing for trashcans. She scattered the contents of the kitchen trashcan throughout the house. They thought I did it because there was no longer food in my bowl. So I was confined to the garage.”

“At least they could put a bowl of food out there for your snacking pleasure.”

“Sure, if the cat couldn’t get into the garage. But no, she figured that out. She waited until they went to bed, then she started screaming bloody murder.”

“I’m sure they knew you were not the reason for the ruckus.”

“Yeah, but it upset them so badly they put her outside. Guess where she went..., uh huh ...the garage.”

“Did she eat your food?” Roscoe was entirely enraptured with the story.

“No she just proceeded to empty the trash bin spreading its contents throughout the garage.

Did they put two-and two together when they found her in the garage?”

“They would have, if she had stayed. Instead she returned to the porch, and curled up in front of the door like she did when she arrived. Her innocent act was good enough to fool Santa Claus.”

“What’s gonna’ happen now?”

“I heard them talking, they are considering keeping the cat and sending me to the pound.”

“Wow, that’s unfair.” Roscoe was considering his part in this. His friend would no longer be coming to the park, what would he do for companionship? “Is there anything I can do?” Roscoe offered.

“Yes. You could come to my house and run the cat off.”

Roscoe considered this carefully. If he went to Barkly’s house and ran the cat off, they would consider him a stray and call Animal Control. Barkly was his friend, but he wasn’t going to jail for anyone.

By Robert L. Scarry

From: United States

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