Strange Delivery

We all get smiley boxes - sometimes they are for us. If you pay attention, you'll see they're often delivered by the same people. Look them in the eye and say thanks, pass the time of day, random exchanges with strangers have been proved to be good for everyone's health. I hope you enjoy this piece of simian glitterology.


As I went out the other day,

I saw something a little strange.

Behind the shed and up a tree,

a purple monkey grinned at me.

'That's odd,' I thought 'and what is more...

it's dropping glitter on the floor'.

It was bizarre in every way;

you don't see monkeys every day.

And glitter monkeys are quite rare,

they're only seen in Aberdare.

Never this far north, I'm told.

What makes this primate act so bold?

I matched his stance with my enquiry,

calling to its sparkly eyrie,

'Excuse me sir, I beg your pardon;

but what's your business in my garden?'

His grin was wider than a cat's. He said,

'I'm happier to answer that...

if first perhaps I might enquire,

the name of my esteemed espy-er?'

'What' I thought 'are the chances that

this simian can answer back?'

'A glittering monkey who can talk?

And in my garden, who'd have thought?'

My mother taught me 'don't be rude,'

'Introduce yourself if queued.'

And so I did as I was asked,

And curtsied like we do in class.

The monkey's grin was even wider,

As down he swung like a purple spider,

And deftly dropped onto the ground,

And scattered glitter all around.

'Oh good, then here's a box for you,

Of colouring books for you to do,'

And with a parting wink, he'd gone...

And swung off back to Amazon.

By Nigel McDonald

From: United Kingdom

Twitter: nigsmcdonald