Week 1

...to do the things I’ve convinced myself I want to
Bag headed and suffocating for air
It’s not fair to still be here wasting away
With a chance for purity
Whilst others legitimately struggle for sanity
Unable to stay themselves for longer than a day
Behind the chemical compound they’ve grown to see
Drugs, just like me
Kids on drugs roam the streets
One of them I used to be...

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Supportless Profit

...during the ‘Always broke’ days isn’t here now. I’ve already gotten rid of them all.

Once in a while one of those snakes’ slithers from underneath the rock I put them, but I throw the rock back on top.

It’s funniest when I see these same people on the streets doing their whole “gangster” shtick, way the fuck in debt. It’s funny because I remember being out there with those same motherfuckers telling them to follow their dreams or support mine. They did neither. Still they are pushing dime bags.

I date a hot white girl with a fat ass and an IQ bigger than all those “gangster’s” wallets stacked together on a good...

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Woke Thoughts While Sleeping

...“What stops Flat Earth from being the cover up lie?” What if Earth is triangular? Or digital? And Flat Earth is to distract from the awareness that round Earth is a lie?

Who is responsible for originating the information any of us believe at any given moment and why do we believe that is true but we’re being lied to about what we don’t believe in? What if it is all a lie and the alternative was made by the same source as the original? Why ever believe something you’ve not proven yourself?

And then I wonder if I’m a victim to these thought patterns. Is my reality also just an illusions put before me to distract from the things I’ve realized are illusions? How much...

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American Youth

Confused with what to do when they refuse to stand up for truth
Corrupted weak youth aloof from what’s true
They don’t need proof when the media says who’s who
Consumed by their call to righteousness they’ll doom us all with their inactive shit

This offends you?
Well, who the fuck are you?
I decide what I find true the same way you do!
Can’t handle it?
Hand it over if you can’t stand it!
You stand for shit anyway.

You spit crap when your whack mouth flaps in an attempt to reenact the thoughts you thought you had but you didn’t consider that none of that was actual fact because you didn’t have proof and that’s the fact.

Time is wasted when your mouth is open because your words came broken
Thoughts stolen through propaganda for controlling
Stay home with your phone filling up your dumb dome and continue to not know
Eat what your fed by the same people who want you dead

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America Was Never Great

...intention and apprehension when ascension is in play
Riddles question the path plaguing the rest of the way
Leaving illusions behind on display

And the whole roll is cold and old and no amount of flow can truly show what’s needed to be known to let go and move on with no holdbacks. We have to want to know what we already know but refuse acknowledge because of fear it’ll haunt us for eternity and rot us black, we don’t want that, we don’t like that

It’s maddening sad, “I don’t want to be known as bad”
So we hide our head between...


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All of Which is The American Dream

...to suppress all this bullshit talk of racism and our honest hard working cops can finally get those dangerous niggers out of our streets. They’ll be able to protect our families the right way without some liberal pussy aiming a camera incriminating the human instead of the monkey. THAT is key.

Second, fuck all this bullshit about rape. Rape this, rape that. They’re just a bunch of whiny women who can’t seem to get their shit together and want to pretend they don’t like it because all the bitches around them pretend they don’t. But they know they want it, it’s human. They’re human. Now they won’t be able to go online and exaggerate a case that is nowhere near as severe at they’d like it to be.

Third, media has taken a strange turn in the last couple of years. Once actors and radio were the gods. The companies, the fame and the money. Now it’s all this half media crap. “Alternative media” or whatever they think it is. It’s a delusional dream they’re living. They’ve even stolen music from us and put them on their dumb streaming services destroying the radio companies in the process. This country needs to pick up again...

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Zeros and Ones

Destruction of the masses by disastrous frenzied bastards.

Leaking and manipulating the scheduled lives of the many classes caught in digital hazardous conditions they’ve had at us.

An intrepid hero who’s never been seen is trapped with their eyes in front of a screen and seamless transitions from visual scenes mean nothing and seem fuzzy, for only illusions could they be.

But a little thought settle not whether we’d know better.

Reality is money hungry and ruthless in its pursuit and as loud mice we must admit when the cat is too big and bury our heads in the granulated wall.

Back ally voices in expensive blue suits discuss paintings. Expensive art with a beating heart. A message for the loyal pets. Reprogramming, behavior must be modified. Feed it, get it on your side and change how it thinks. Even if it means one at a time.

They use the screen we hold.

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Political Opinions

...we went along defending this
Because blue and red
Who the fuck needs thoughts in their head
When Luck is a good boy
And brought Chance to dance
Instead of Reason without a doubt
Because that’s a thug
We could do without
The crap we’re fed
Unbelievable shreds
Proofless evidence
But we follow
Whether or not it makes sense
Because we don’t like “them” or their opinions
Essentially the same nonsense we believe in
Another jackass leading us
Secretly the...

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Nazi Sympathizer

...has a problem with me. And I am quite dark skinned. He does simple believe Germans are better than whatever I might be.

I call it pride in his heritage.

And don’t get it twisted, he does in fact believe outside of the structure of current society he deserves more than other races and that he is genetically pure. And then we go for coffee and talk about cars.

Now, his belief must be pride, less all other none white races simply be the Nazis of their respective groups. The Puerto Rican Nazi whom finds Puerto Ricans superior. The Dominican which finds Dominicans...

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Fucking Sports!

...as long as we’re not having sex they won’t reveal themselves having sex. The only way to gain their trust is through imitation. One must undergo a symbolic ritual of imitating the sexual act in order to see them doing the sexual act.

Isn’t that weird? Why is that? It’s like a seventh sense! Super meta monk mumbo jumbo. “You must first be the fucker to see the fucker.” And its existence is air, we feel it and never see it. It goes unseen for so long we’re eventually inside it without...

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We Know Nothing

...agreed on itself to proceed to different ranges of that same one morality, otherwise the context itself is different, meaning any two moral arguments are incompatible regardless how similar, because something is always off.

We have to first understand how we know nothing and how there is no way to know anything. There will never be. The only thing for certain is that we are having some type of perceptual experience, whether illusion or not. We still manage to perceive for whatever reason and we must build off of this fact and question the entire...

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Those Before Us

...kept, outdated, irrelevant ideologies the younger future of the planet will move forward, for they know time will surely always loosen the grip of ignorance and shove the old aside with the same force they abuse the weak.

But enter power with a humble tone for corruption is unavoidable. And age will assure we are who we fight as we grow to struggle letting go of the beliefs we...

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Desperate Delusional Depression

...do claim to have I’m wrong about in some aspect. I’m always reminded that I see these people closer than they see me. And that’s truly my fault, I don’t blame it on anyone other than myself. It is a failure to read the relationship accurately and that’s on no one other than me.

Every day, without fail, I find that I’m convinced someone will support me. But I’m highly delusional. It’s my mind playing tricks on me. Twisting and turning what is actually occurring. The truth behind the matter is that each person simply wants to live their lives. And my overestimation of things is the cause of quite some distress in the lives of these people. Expectations from those who owe me nothing push them away. Being alone is the result each time.

Out of pity for my lacking sanity many of these people humor my rambles and stupid plans, sometimes even joining in at the cost of their own freedom and happiness. And because of me, not only are they feeling trapped to keep a smile on my face, but it comes...

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...bad ones so it looks like that’s the case, but do not let the loud minority represent the quiet majority. BE MORE FUCKING INTELLIGENT THAN THAT! Media controls your ignorant self by feeding you truth, but not all the truth. If you are shown 800 white cops killing black people, but no cops helping them, think hard about how you are being manipulated. Withholding information is just as valid as lying when it comes to convincing someone of what you want.

The same way that there aren’t that many white supremacists and overall racists towards the black community. Don’t get it wrong, there ARE! But it’s nowhere near how the media portrays it. And none of this has anything to do with Trump, either. That is just a crazy, confused, powerless Oldman unwilling to admit he’s incapable of true power. He’s convinced the presidency or money make him powerful, but if it were the case he would have settled. He strives because he knows he stands nowhere. Leave the old guy alone, he’ll eventually tire himself out and sit down or something. The man...

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A Day At The Office

...the last three years it’s been drained into the river of a nearby town. The deaths have increased and threats of lawsuits have rattled the company. It’s $100,000 for removing the pipe polluting their water supply.

The public’s reaction could come back negative and affect business. The debate is to determine whether we do anything at all, buy a mile of their land and knock it all down or find a way to blame it on the city and let them fix it. Ideally...

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...in this perpetual limbo of trying to be understood, but being too weird or detached for anyone to cross to my side. And if I try to relate to those around me it comes off as fake or offensive because changing who I am to adapt to other people IS FAKE.

And still I try. I require social interaction to function. I’m highly extroverted. It doesn’t seem to matter, though. I might try and try to connect, to relate, to understand and still get nowhere. No one wants me to relate to them. No one wants me to understand them. They all just want me to say they’re right and agree through nods or some shit and then be on my way. No one is interested in knowing how my mind...

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We Judge Ourselves

...best means.

This fact tells us one thing: Who we are is who we believe other people think we are at any given moment. Because we are not actually perceiving another person’s perspective or interpretation of us, we are actually just judging ourselves all the while pretending another person is doing so. We’re merely using our own subjective information to interpret and conclude on our interactions and observations of others, but it is still us doing the interpreting and concluding.

In other...

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...what delusions have to be in place to believe something would change this. There is no purpose. She might as well be nameless to me. Ineffective enough to be titled The Reason I Write. I mean, every time she rolls by I write about her and I write more than I’d even expect too. Writer’s Block inspires me. I love her.

She’s a failure, but I love her and welcome her presence. I know I’ll get writing done when she’s around.

There is a feeling of pity because the turnout is always the same. It forces me to question whether her head is in the right place or if she’s lost some screws in her ventures torturing...

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