Emotionless Child

...doesn’t occur to a child that it has nothing to do with them. From a child’s perspective the world does in fact revolve around them.

Nevertheless, I’d sift through infinity pages searching for the answers that didn’t exist. But in doing so I was forced to process the recorded information. Unintentional self-reflection revealed traits I deemed personality flaws. Behavioral patterns that were passed down from my broken parent. And I opted out of having...

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Ignorance is Powerful

...Christian Jehovah and the Islamic Allah are both the same? What if Mohamed and Jesus were related? Or the same person? What if the strings from String Theory exist inside of the quantum fabric of Quantum Theory? What if they are both simply two possibilities inside of an infinite construct? What if that construct is simply one side of an endlessly reflected fractal? What if this fractal only exists as a projection from pure consciousness? Well, then those you disagree with are exactly the same thing, exactly the same person. The same consciousness.

If we simply took the time to improve who we are. If we took the time to open our minds and see the similarities between our arguments instead of the differences we’d be face with the undeniable fact of being more identical to our “enemy”. The ignorance leads to bliss when it means denying the reality that what we hate and what we love are different extremes of the same concepts.

We’ve learned to navigate using our emotions instead of rational judgement to the greatest of our objective ability. We are vastly underdeveloped as thinking creatures and have a long way to go before we understand all information as just more information instead of it being correct information and denying whatever we believe to be wrong.

We are the vast human failure. The ever sinking shit of the world. The cancer that eats our planet’s flesh, gradually poisoning its outside as we...

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We give you the power, and the control. You are forced to lie one day, you know, “for the sake of the people.” It’s to protect them from unhappiness. For “the greater good.”

“This isn’t important information anyway. This means nothing to them other than meaningless concern.”

The second time happens because it worked the first time and this next problem is as bad if not worse.

“Maybe mass hysteria isn’t the best idea. It’ll remain secret until we know for sure.”

The next lie is to cover the time you slipped and said too much. Now to not lose the trust of the people you must maintain the big lie. The people must not be confused into labeling you a liar. They might give the power to a true liar. They’ll give it to someone like who they believe you are. They can’t tell the difference. Because you served as the final example of what it takes to lead the people. Lies are what they know. Some still believe you are honorable and do things in their interests....


By Jack Thomas

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Worthless Stand

...Saying the same thing, though. We’re all thinking in formatted thought, bought by the money at the top, and dropped by our foolish hands as we say “we’ve got this”, telling our brothers to piss off and go fuck themselves. Shelf themselves, to never be themselves, because we don’t agree with their honestly, because we fail to stand apart, and we know we stand in line, and we know we fear whatever is outside the next time we step out of it. We fear what’s outside the next time we look through window and what we see on the other side lives or behaves differently.

Deception is the easy part. Apart from the itty bitty pity fit into lazy sitting shit, it’s all manipulation. A nation under stress, or a stressfully underdog nation. Either way, patience isn’t the next step. Waiting is the path to regret.

Double tap the dead body and find yourself behind steel bars of your own choosing.
It’s no longer random. It’s not unplanned. Your reaction was decided by the greats. It was planned by the marriage of the true minds. The leaders you stand against used your ignorance to force you to stand against them, so the followers who disagree line up behind him. Your hate fuels your misery.

As a curious madman said briefly, randomly, but strategically, “it’s choreographed but made to look spontaneous.” Planned with a random appearance to throw off the pattern...

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Fictional Concept: Writer's Block

I don’t believe in writer’s block. The thought of there being nothing to write or knowing there is but being unable to find it is irrational to me. As a writer there isn’t anything not worth writing about.

Writing is about learning how to tell a story, even if it seems like the wrong one to tell. The craft comes into play the most when the story isn’t inherently a good one. The writer then brings out the good of the story.

If they don’t find the story they dig inside themselves and write of the search for it. They’re faced with the obligation to learn how to share the experience.

Writer’s block can’t be real if you can write about writer’s block. It simply can’t.

It’s no more than a fictional concept.

Being a writer only happens through the act of writing.


By Jack Thomas

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A Thought for Stillness

...So your heart stops beating, you get buried. Worms eat you. Their bodies use you as nutrients to maintain itself, thus you become many. You’ve become, a bunch of worms.

Okay, so the worms will eventually cease themselves, get eaten by birds, fish or rot away. Then you’ve become the soil or ocean bacteria. You’re still around. Where did the nonexistence part occur?

Maybe I’m being too literal. What if it’s meant in spirit? In that case you either go to hell or heaven right? Reincarnation? Aliens take your life energy back to their universe? You stay in limbo? But you continue to exist in this form.

What of consciousness? You move to the next dimension? The previous dimension? A higher plain of awareness? The all? Back to the unification of the global consciousness before collapsing down to a different perspective? This is all still happening, it’s not nonexistence. If it all plunges into darkness, then you exist in darkness. And whatever consciousness exists to perceive this darkness, or lack of the all, will project a universe within itself because perception still occurs...

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Protesting Trump

I regret to inform the masses protesting that nothing can be done about their president being Donald Trump. This is just some weird moment in history. Years from now we’ll say our president was once the star of reality television. I have good news though! You don’t have to worry about him. He can’t really do anything he’s said he would. He’d go broke much too quickly if he fired all his workers, kept them away with a giant wall and cut off our country, therefore, his own businesses from the rest of the world. At worst, he’ll annoy us for a couple of years and we’ll get over it. At best though, he could be a guy smarter than we expected and do some real good. It’s a long shot, but give the guy a chance. If he blows it, well fuck, fool me once.


By Jack Thomas

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Living in this infamous informal institute,

Feeling insulted, having to induce identity onto the inflexible.

Impatiently await the impending impediment.

Immerging from an impaled death is the impact of imperceptible imperfection.

Watch as they indulge interminably.

They leave intervals resulting from incomprehensible self-interest,

Letting interiors die of intoxication.

They introduce their lives to death,

Inviting others to share their indistinct pain and invincible misery.

This image imagined is an insignificant, infinitesimal imitation of the impoverish life innocent eyes have seen.

All of this is improper.

I act on impulse to call this an inarticulate hell.

This is life.


By Jack Thomas

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The Interests of a Sociopath

I've decided to start sharing more about myself. Nothing too person, rather, just my thoughts and opinions instead of having a voiceless objective outlook at all times. I'm aware that true objectivity is impossible and now I'd like to give you a small taste of how my mind works so that my posts have more of a tone when you read them. I plan to do this by breaking down some of my likes and dislikes!

By Jack Thomas

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The human condition has us constantly face a struggle to accept how little we know. A unique perspective is enough to re-frame our complete understanding of our lives and the people in it. At any given moment there are countless ways in which we are missing the picture obvious to others.


At a café with a friend, a conversation about a person’s ability to change came up. Mike, the friend at the café, said that people lack the ability to change. That regardless of what the surface might seem like, the internal working of a person, their thoughts and feelings on what they are doing remain the same.

I disagreed. I’ve seen change in the most random or drastic of ways. So, I told him this story:

I knew a guy, 22. A composed individual, he never really broke the rules. He never stepped out of line. Because of this, his life was an endless cycle of following the rules and hating himself for being unable to break out. Self-loathing fueled madness consumed his moment to moment interactions, but he bottled that shit up. He bottled anything unacceptable to the rest of society.

While attending college on scholarship to be a criminal attorney, the way his father always wanted him to be, he worked in a law office. The pay was enough to afford him a car, a single bedroom apartment and enough play money to get that wide screen TV he never used. His tasks at the law office were small and simple, like filing, proofreading, and all the annoying phone call related things like scheduling and…

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A Sure Afterlife

We don't often consider death and how it fits into the bigger experience we call Existence. 


Death is an eerie thing. It’s quiet and gloomy. Dark in how it vibes.

The most solitary and lonely experience of someone’s life.

I didn’t mess up in using the word life, by the way. I believe death is a part of life. Not the end of it, rather, just some other stage in a transition...

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