
…life trying to piece together who I believe I am, all while pretending I have it figured out. I haven’t a shred of an idea.

Word vomit covers the floors and surfaces, splashing across in random directions. I seek patten in all the madness hoping to find organized chaos. Lingering shadows hover over my shoulder with twisted grins watching my every move.

Perpetual nausea in the pit of my stomach leaves a lasting unease to pair with the chest pressure restricting airflow. Only in deep breaths does…

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A short poem expressing thoughts on life and making choices.


Question marks in the air

Answers aren't abundant

Uncertainty is persistent

Aimless wander is built into the system

Aimless wonder is built into the system

Its not different destinations

Its different paths to the same destination

Not knowing where we step

A warn dirt roads

Paved streets

Or a jungle and a machete

Question marks in the air

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Thirteenth Race

Light sleight of hand
Time bombs hide behind palms
Dark tones behind iron heights
Wrong rights from twisted lines of sight
Fearful the tie makes cheerful and high
Chains tearful to die
Grains leak paper crimes
Quite bleak bills stacked high Empires rise
Why? They cry and stand by
Built entire towers to ride shy
Setting ants on fire to stop the hill
Who the fuck are we to let it happen?
Who the fuck are they to try?

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Dry ink hangs over the page dangling frozen at the tip of a pen. The paper yellows with age. Blank with doubt and uninspired hopelessness. Waiting. Just waiting for the idle hand to sway with originality and scribble with aimless joy, but it all remains static and still.

Although, the air feels desperate the clock is patient as its afternoon smile shifts to a late night frown.

Floorboards creak and thump at pacing boots like a secret killer quietly stalking prey in a cabin. This cabin is nowhere near as eventful.

Endlessly searching for direction, the haunting apparition hovers over the imaginary world with tragic sorrow filled eyes. Hollow and tearfully fixed on the emptiness.

Bloodless pale, regretful and depressive, hatred consume the spirit and ignites strong sentiment. Like an ever growing void of inescapable speed and magnitude. The fear of being incomplete and fragmented crippled and killed the host, but nature demands invention..

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God's Storm

Stuck fightin’ in rough lightin’

Fuck tryin’, I’m done hidin’

All that’s left is thinkin’ quick, no subsidin’

Move like lightnin’ while strikin’

I’m above but grounded

Be frightened

My roll and rumble are well rounded

Crumble the walls surroundin’

I make the black clouds mad loud and highlight the background brightly

Cold cause I don’t stop the rain’s gain and pace reigns

Gotta be sick when I spit quick phlegm talkin’ shit bricks at glass houses…

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Bloody Steak

The Raged Cattle
It Casts a Hate Shadow
Inside the Cage, Rattled
Awaits a Great Battle

Piercing eyes forced
Through blackened hearts torn
Twisting steel Born
With angered horns

Real, their shiny sharpened tips
Slicing, poking, making rips
Blind by red the blood lust drips
Freed, this slave just waits and sits

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Two Faces of Humanity

Human nature is a monster of hate for creatures of a different face or to ideas that don't match their taste. Fake the stand on moral grounds but steal, pillage and destroy as we make our rounds limiting all others but refusing to be bound. The second the gun aims back humans make no sound. Deep breaths and reflection searching for a truth much more profound until the finger is no longer pointing then the fires get set to watch the forest burn down. Humans don't regret. They pretend. Human nature is drowned in malice with a smile masking it held proud.

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