Rambling 74: Questions on Apocalyptic Events

Apocalypse, The Just Conversation Podcast, Radio, Show, Comedy, Idea, Theory, Funny, Fun, Questions, Listeners, Reality, Possibilities, Debate, Show,

What will happen during the apocalypse? Questions on the subject of Apocalyptic Events and Survival are answered.

New year, same hosts, new questions, same clones. Starting the year off with an apocalyptic bang, the clone due answer listener questions to prepare for the possibility that this is the last year the human race will be around. An attack from the cat gods lingers and if such events took place it could change the shape of life as we know it. Thus, listener questions on variations of apocalyptic events are dissected in order to come up with a survival plan just in case. All that and more on this episode of Just Conversation.

+ Episode Details

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it.


Questions Asked

  • What to buy before an economy collapses? 4:57
  • Rather be a zombie or everyone you know becomes a zombie? 10:34
  • Rather survive in space of underground? 13:13
  • Most likely real apocalyptic scenario? 15:20
  • Ever daydream of surviving a zombie apocalypse? 17:16
  • How do you believe people would respond to a collapsing society? 22:00
  • Meteor impact in a day, what do you do? 23:19
  • Rapture happens, who’s side are you on? 32:07
  • Best zombie killing character? 37:06
  • You get to save five humans to repopulate humanity, who do you pick? 39:30
  • A.I. turns on us, you flee society and take only three things. What are they? 47:16
  • New Year, 2000. Y2K happens. What is your first move? 49:14
  • Lightning Round 52:36


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Rambling 71: Ghost Questions

Ghosts, Questions, The Just Conversation Podcast, Phantom, Metaphysics, Theories, Hypothesis, Time Loop, Idea, Debate, Research, Science

Listener Questions about Ghosts, Phantoms and their origins are answered.

After finding a lab filled with chimeras at the bottom of lake Loch Ness and imprisoning a team of science cats running it, the clone duo open an investigation and immediately put the subhumans to work. While awaiting results from the investigation, the duo set up the podcasting equipment in one of the facility’s closets and decide to answer listener questions related to Ghosts. Little did they know the true depth of the situation. What they uncover of cat gods and goldfish astounds them. All this and more on this episode!

+ Episode Details

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it. Topics Discussed

  • Believe in ghosts?
  • Are there ghosts underwater?
  • What happens if two ghosts come in contact?
  • If ghosts are conscious are they really dead?
  • Deja Vu & Time Travel
  • Is it possible to communicate with ghosts?
  • Psychics and mediums
  • Will technology eventually connect us to ghosts?
  • Ouija Boards
  • Are hauntings real?
  • Does the existence of ghosts negate the existence of heaven?
  • Been to a graveyard at night?
  • Where do dead people go?
  • Goldfish Gods

Promo On This Episode:

Genuine Chit Chat: Podcast

(Promo at the Start of the show)

Find them on:

Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/genuine-chit-chat/id1280472886

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JCP 3.11 Rob and Slim Show & Escapism

The Rob and Slim Show, The Just Conversation Podcast, Guest, Podcast Guest, Society, Social Issues, Comedy, New World Order, Politics, Podcasting, Creating, Creativity

Guest Rob of The Rob and Slim Show joins Jack for a lengthy discussing ranging from the nature of their creativity, to their understanding of faith and religion and good parenting.

+ Episode Details

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it.

Topics Discussed:

  • Fake News and Politics
  • Work Ethic
  • Work Canvas
  • Singing The News
  • The Inner Artist
  • Quality Music
  • Eminem and Rap
  • Unapologetic Art
  • Crashing Ozzy’s Media Moment
  • Workaholics
  • ‘Too Many Rapes’ Origin Story
  • The College Trap
  • Collapsing System
  • Money Looks Evil
  • The Fear of Change
  • God, Prayer and Meditation
  • Parenting

Links for The Rob and Slim Show

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RobandSlimShow

IPM Nation: https://ipmnation.com/robandslim

Podbean: https://robandslim.podbean.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robandslim/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Robandslimshow

Sporify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4wBeC4A5D1hexJKuKryg4H?si=5BGBhymlQXKJ1eDqbrWXiw

Our Links:

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

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Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Rambling 68: The Cat Conspiracy

Cat Conspiracy, Conspiracy Theory, The Just Conversation Podcast, Cats, Story, Time Travel, Future, Time Loops, Paradoxes

The evil plan cats have had for humans since the days of ancient Egypt is discussed.

Deep diving into the nature of cat gods of ancient civilizations and the events that took place when Jack’s second clone temporarily ran a time travelling business, the clone duo uncovers a sinister plot by cats to destroy humanity’s way of life to regain control of the world. As they investigate deeper, ties to Hitler, World War 1 and World War 2 are made. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. What the clones uncover is so disturbing that immediate action is required! Find out what and more on this episode of The Just conversation Podcast!

+ Episode Details

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it.

Topics Discussed

  • World War 1
  • World War 2
  • Egyptian Cat Gods
  • The Industrial Revolution
  • Time Travel
  • Preventing World War 3
  • The Wasteland Future
  • Jack’s Dark Actions Throughout TIme
  • Subhuman Slavery

This episode of Just Conversation is brought to you by Audible. Get a free audiobook with a 30-day trial membership. Just go to https://audibletrial.com/justconvopod

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Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9qYWNrLXRob21hcy10djhsLnNxdWFyZXNwYWNlLmNvbS9qdXN0Y29udmVyc2F0aW9uP2Zvcm1hdD1yc3M%3D

Rambling 67: Questions About Dreaming

Dreaming, Metaphysics, The Just Conversation Podcast, Theory, Conversation, Idea, Research, Science

Questions about dreaming, what it might be, what dreams might mean and how they related to Déjà vu and alternate realities sent by listeners are answered.

In a quest to understand the mind, subjective experience and the universe as a whole, the clone duo decide to investigate one of the more mysterious phenomenon known. Dreaming. They get listener submitted questions and do a deep dive into the topic, dissecting any and every possibility they come across. Alternate universes, time-lines, the afterlife, higher dimensions and more become possibilities as they investigate the depth of the human mind. All this and more on this episode of Just Conversation.

+ Episode Details:

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it.

Questions Asked:

  • Is Feeling Tired in Dreams Normal? @Lucid_nap 5:55
  • Could Dreams be a Second Life? @araig973 7:30
  • What are dreams? 11:25
  • Might dreams be future sight? 13:56
  • Is Deja Vu memory? 16:58
  • Why do we have recurring dreams? 18:28
  • Can a dream kill us? 22:26
  • Could ghosts haunt dreams? 26:27
  • Is it possible dreams are an alternate reality? 33:09
  • Could demons possess us while we dream? 37:10
  • Are we different people while dreaming? 39:47
  • Are Dreams Random? 43:14
  • Might dreams be based in an alternate location? 44:39
  • Is sleep talking related to dreaming? 47:50

This episode of Just Conversation is brought to you by Audible. Get a free audiobook with a 30-day trial membership. Just go to https://audibletrial.com/justconvopod

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Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Rambling 66: Early Halloween Spooktacular

Spooky, Halloween, Podcast, The Just Conversation Podcast, Theory, Idea, Research, culture, tradition, holiday, celebration

Demon possessions, the nature of good and evil magic, sleep paralysis and personal haunting experiences are discussed for this early Halloween episode! 

Approaching Halloween the clone due is directed by the Illuminati to investigate demon possessions as a general subject to reveal what the cause might be. The investigation leads them into the subject matter of magic where they discover the baffling truth behind good and evil magic and the lies the masses have been told in reference to this. They close off by reflecting on related personal experiences of dark and twisted encounters

Episode Details

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it.

Topics Discussed

  • A sea of True Crime Podcasts
  • Halloween
  • The White Man’s Fault
  • Demon Possessions
  • The Price of Exorcisms
  • Mental Illness Demons
  • Nature is Evil
  • Righteous Technology
  • Magic in the Woods
  • Visions of Evil
  • Sleep Paralysis
  • Astral Projection
  • The Haunting of Clinton Road
  • The KKK
  • Personal Horror Stories

This episode of Just Conversation is brought to you by Audible. Get a free audiobook with a 30-day trial membership. Just go to https://audibletrial.com/justconvopod

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Rambling 65: Cybernetic Humans

Cyborg, Cybernetic Humans, Creatures, Science, Future Technology, Humans, Android, Apple, Playstation, Xbox, Computing, Elon Musk, Google, Facebook, Tesla, Robotics

Future technology, the increasingly cybernetic nature of humans and the philosophy of perspectivism are discussed.

With technological advancements moving at ever increasing speeds, the clone duo decide to figure out what the road ahead for technology might be and how it will shape human civilization moving forward with hopes that this knowledge will give them insight into Elon Musk’s plans for the future.

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it.

+ Episode Details

Topics Discussed- The Power of Perspective- Telepathic Communication- Elon Musk’s Tech- Mind Control Technology- Augmented Reality- AR Eye Implants- AR Downloadable World Skins & Themes- AR Google Maps Directions- VR in the Future- VR Theatre- VR & AR Dating- AR Relationships- VR Sex Suits- Competitive Technology Market- Cyborg Humans- Avatar Robots- A.I. Equality- Virtual Brainwashing

This episode of Just Conversation is brought to you by Audible. Get a free audiobook with a 30-day trial membership. Just go to https://audibletrial.com/justconvopod

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Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

JCP 3.08 Clever Name Podcast & The Hitler Sitcom

Guest, Ryan King, The Clever Name Podcast, Clever Name Podcast, Podcast Host, Comedy, Discussion, Rated R, Uncensored, Funny, Fun, Youtube

Guest Ryan King of the Clever Name Podcast sits down with us for two hours to discuss drugs, the origin of consciousness, the afterlife and corrupt business establishment.

All that and more on this episode of The Just Conversation Podcast.

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it.

  • Episode Details

Topics Discussed

  • Growing Societal Stupidity
  • Cyborg Humans
  • Bad Servers
  • Pink Goo
  • Factory Farming
  • Organic Food
  • Veganism
  • Kyles
  • Russian Roulette
  • Consciousness
  • The Afterlife
  • Salvia
  • Postmates
  • VCRs
  • Nazis
  • Reality
  • Sasquatch

Ryan King / Clever Name Podcast Links:

Official Website: https://www.clevernamepodcast.com/

Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/I4ye62lf324h64cymbznmvokqtq

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/clever-name-podcast/id1191639571

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clevernamepodcast/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/clevernamepod?lang=en

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