Rambling 71: Ghost Questions

Ghosts, Questions, The Just Conversation Podcast, Phantom, Metaphysics, Theories, Hypothesis, Time Loop, Idea, Debate, Research, Science

Listener Questions about Ghosts, Phantoms and their origins are answered.

After finding a lab filled with chimeras at the bottom of lake Loch Ness and imprisoning a team of science cats running it, the clone duo open an investigation and immediately put the subhumans to work. While awaiting results from the investigation, the duo set up the podcasting equipment in one of the facility’s closets and decide to answer listener questions related to Ghosts. Little did they know the true depth of the situation. What they uncover of cat gods and goldfish astounds them. All this and more on this episode!

+ Episode Details

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it. Topics Discussed

  • Believe in ghosts?
  • Are there ghosts underwater?
  • What happens if two ghosts come in contact?
  • If ghosts are conscious are they really dead?
  • Deja Vu & Time Travel
  • Is it possible to communicate with ghosts?
  • Psychics and mediums
  • Will technology eventually connect us to ghosts?
  • Ouija Boards
  • Are hauntings real?
  • Does the existence of ghosts negate the existence of heaven?
  • Been to a graveyard at night?
  • Where do dead people go?
  • Goldfish Gods

Promo On This Episode:

Genuine Chit Chat: Podcast

(Promo at the Start of the show)

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Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/genuine-chit-chat/id1280472886

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JCP 3.11 Rob and Slim Show & Escapism

The Rob and Slim Show, The Just Conversation Podcast, Guest, Podcast Guest, Society, Social Issues, Comedy, New World Order, Politics, Podcasting, Creating, Creativity

Guest Rob of The Rob and Slim Show joins Jack for a lengthy discussing ranging from the nature of their creativity, to their understanding of faith and religion and good parenting.

+ Episode Details

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it.

Topics Discussed:

  • Fake News and Politics
  • Work Ethic
  • Work Canvas
  • Singing The News
  • The Inner Artist
  • Quality Music
  • Eminem and Rap
  • Unapologetic Art
  • Crashing Ozzy’s Media Moment
  • Workaholics
  • ‘Too Many Rapes’ Origin Story
  • The College Trap
  • Collapsing System
  • Money Looks Evil
  • The Fear of Change
  • God, Prayer and Meditation
  • Parenting

Links for The Rob and Slim Show

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RobandSlimShow

IPM Nation: https://ipmnation.com/robandslim

Podbean: https://robandslim.podbean.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robandslim/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Robandslimshow

Sporify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4wBeC4A5D1hexJKuKryg4H?si=5BGBhymlQXKJ1eDqbrWXiw

Our Links:

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Rambling 65: Cybernetic Humans

Cyborg, Cybernetic Humans, Creatures, Science, Future Technology, Humans, Android, Apple, Playstation, Xbox, Computing, Elon Musk, Google, Facebook, Tesla, Robotics

Future technology, the increasingly cybernetic nature of humans and the philosophy of perspectivism are discussed.

With technological advancements moving at ever increasing speeds, the clone duo decide to figure out what the road ahead for technology might be and how it will shape human civilization moving forward with hopes that this knowledge will give them insight into Elon Musk’s plans for the future.

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it.

+ Episode Details

Topics Discussed- The Power of Perspective- Telepathic Communication- Elon Musk’s Tech- Mind Control Technology- Augmented Reality- AR Eye Implants- AR Downloadable World Skins & Themes- AR Google Maps Directions- VR in the Future- VR Theatre- VR & AR Dating- AR Relationships- VR Sex Suits- Competitive Technology Market- Cyborg Humans- Avatar Robots- A.I. Equality- Virtual Brainwashing

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Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Rambling 62: The Conspiracy Conspiracy

The Just Conversation Podcast, Radio, Show, Conspiracy Theory, Conversation, Joke, Comedy, Funny, Theory, Conspiracy Theory, Illuminati, Flat Earth, THe New World Order, Adrenochrome, Chemtrails, George Soros

Where conspiracy theories come from and what promotes their creation is discussed.

The clone duo arrived at Alpha Centuri in search of alien life only to find it completely abandoned. They land of Proxima Centuri B and get the subhumans to commence scanning for life in the star system while they record the latest episode of the podcast where they decide to pick apart and unpack the nature and origin of conspiracy theories.

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it.

+ Episode Details

Topics Discussed

  • Heart Attack Guns
  • Conspiracy Origins
  • Alien Tourism
  • Area 51
  • Human Experiments
  • Cloning
  • Political Correctness
  • Fake News
  • Everyone Rapes The Children
  • Robot Pedos
  • News Outlet Created Conspiracies
  • Elite Conspiracy Benefits
  • Sam & Dean Winchester
  • Tupac Alive In Cuba
  • Uncertainty

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Rambling 61: Questions & Bad Relationship Advice

Relationship, Romance, Love, couple, Questions, Answer, Advice, Relationship Questions, Help, Together, Sex, Love

Bad relationship advice is given in response to listener submitted questions.

Bored on their way to investigate the technology detected at Alpha Centuri the clones setup to record and answer listener submitted questions on relationships. They attempt to help these couples solve their romantic problems and on this journey the duo discovers the true corruption of romantic relationships and how twisted the listeners really are.

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it.

+ Episode Details

Topics Discussed

  • In love with a married man - 4:05
  • Cheated on my husband - 6:46
  • Boyfriend wants a threesome - 8:59
  • When to tell a big secret - 11:03
  • When to send nudes - 12:40
  • Girls who twirl their hair - 14:28
  • When to get back together after a breakup - 16:00
  • Is it okay to have secrets? - 18:23
  • Loving your other half - 20:54
  • Why people fall out of ove - 25:04
  • Girlfriend hangs with guys at home - 26:32
  • Boyfriend Needs space - 28:36
  • Did he ask me out? - 29:34
  • Caught boyfriend cheating - 33:08
  • Slept with roommate of two days 33:57
  • Bored of my husband 35:42
  • Hate boyfriend’s baby mamas 37:32
  • Girlfriend doesn’t let us break up 39:07
  • Sex is off the table 41:44
  • I’m in love with my ex 42:18
  • Abusive ex wants me back 45:00
  • In love with my taken ex - 46:07
  • Is verbal abuse normal? - 47:04
  • Jealous fiance - 51:32
  • Men don’t pursue me 51:57

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

JCP 3.07 Romance Novels & The Lottery Heist

Guest Shot.png

Guest Roxanne SanJose comes on to discuss her new book Time Travel and everything from her writing process to politics and plotting a heist on the lottery. All that and more on this episode of Just Conversation!

+ Show Notes

Topics Discussed

  • Science Fiction
  • Writing Method
  • Time Travel
  • Characters
  • Show vs Tell
  • Working with Editors
  • The Butterfly Effect
  • UFOs
  • Area 51 Raid
  • World Travel
  • Heists
  • Politics
  • Titanic

Roxanne SanJose Links

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/roxanne_sanjose/

Twitter https://twitter.com/SjRoxanne

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/roxannesanjose

Buy Time Travel

Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Time-Travel-Second-Chances-Bundle/dp/1095945114/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1563650598&refinements=p_27%3ARoxanne+San+Jose&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Roxanne+San+Jose

Barnes & Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/time-travel-roxanne-san-jose/1131287594

JCP Links

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast