Rambling 71: Ghost Questions

Ghosts, Questions, The Just Conversation Podcast, Phantom, Metaphysics, Theories, Hypothesis, Time Loop, Idea, Debate, Research, Science

Listener Questions about Ghosts, Phantoms and their origins are answered.

After finding a lab filled with chimeras at the bottom of lake Loch Ness and imprisoning a team of science cats running it, the clone duo open an investigation and immediately put the subhumans to work. While awaiting results from the investigation, the duo set up the podcasting equipment in one of the facility’s closets and decide to answer listener questions related to Ghosts. Little did they know the true depth of the situation. What they uncover of cat gods and goldfish astounds them. All this and more on this episode!

+ Episode Details

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it. Topics Discussed

  • Believe in ghosts?
  • Are there ghosts underwater?
  • What happens if two ghosts come in contact?
  • If ghosts are conscious are they really dead?
  • Deja Vu & Time Travel
  • Is it possible to communicate with ghosts?
  • Psychics and mediums
  • Will technology eventually connect us to ghosts?
  • Ouija Boards
  • Are hauntings real?
  • Does the existence of ghosts negate the existence of heaven?
  • Been to a graveyard at night?
  • Where do dead people go?
  • Goldfish Gods

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Genuine Chit Chat: Podcast

(Promo at the Start of the show)

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Rambling 67: Questions About Dreaming

Dreaming, Metaphysics, The Just Conversation Podcast, Theory, Conversation, Idea, Research, Science

Questions about dreaming, what it might be, what dreams might mean and how they related to Déjà vu and alternate realities sent by listeners are answered.

In a quest to understand the mind, subjective experience and the universe as a whole, the clone duo decide to investigate one of the more mysterious phenomenon known. Dreaming. They get listener submitted questions and do a deep dive into the topic, dissecting any and every possibility they come across. Alternate universes, time-lines, the afterlife, higher dimensions and more become possibilities as they investigate the depth of the human mind. All this and more on this episode of Just Conversation.

+ Episode Details:

Remember to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts to help us get noticed.We’ll read our favorites Apple Podcast reviews on the show! Tell friends, family or anyone you know who’ll like the show about it.

Questions Asked:

  • Is Feeling Tired in Dreams Normal? @Lucid_nap 5:55
  • Could Dreams be a Second Life? @araig973 7:30
  • What are dreams? 11:25
  • Might dreams be future sight? 13:56
  • Is Deja Vu memory? 16:58
  • Why do we have recurring dreams? 18:28
  • Can a dream kill us? 22:26
  • Could ghosts haunt dreams? 26:27
  • Is it possible dreams are an alternate reality? 33:09
  • Could demons possess us while we dream? 37:10
  • Are we different people while dreaming? 39:47
  • Are Dreams Random? 43:14
  • Might dreams be based in an alternate location? 44:39
  • Is sleep talking related to dreaming? 47:50

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Rambling 34: Perspectives On Death

Death, Life, Afterlife, Metaphysics, The Just Conversation Podcast, Funny, Comedy, THought Experiement

The thinkers ramble on about the positive sides of death. Jack dies of a tumor and finds himself in limbo, trapped in the memories of the living who’ve not yet forgotten him. Cristina destroys all the scarves to free his soul. On the other side, Jack discovers God is an omipresent & omniscient apple.


Rambling 32: The God Conspiracy

God Conspiracy, Jesus, The Just Conversation Podcast, Conspiracy, Conspiracy Theory, Commedy, Discussion, Joke

The thinkers visit Jesus in the middle of a house building project. He turns out to be a time traveler on a missions beyond the understanding of our simple primitive hosts. Jesus attempts to explain how the concept of god was made up by him traveling to different periods of time, but the hosts refuse to believe him and tell him god is real. All that and Sunday drinks with Jehovah on The Just Conversation Podcast.

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