Rambling 59: The Chupacabra

The Chupacabra, Creatures, Monsters, Animal, Conspiracy Theory, Alien, Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, Dog, Fox, Mutant, The Just Conversation Podcast

An attempt to reason down all the collected chupacabra lore and sightings throughout the decades is made.

After learning the secrets of magic from reptilians in Mars internment camps the duo returns to NASA HQ to brief the mission director and the scientists that they’ve acquired the necessities for them and the Subhumans to survive the trip to Alpha Centuri. While they wait to meet with the lead scientists they decide to break open the case of the Chupacabra and find out its true origins.

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+ Show Notes

Topics Discussed

  • Alpha Centuri
  • Coyote Chupacabra
  • Chimera
  • Scientific Experiments
  • Inbred Albino Dwarfs
  • Winged Snakes
  • Reptilian Alien
  • Bird Box Alien Shapeshifters
  • MewTwo
  • Alien Scientists
  • Diseased Animals
  • Deformed Animals
  • Blood Sucking

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Rambling 45: Human Experiments

Human Experiments, Russian Sleep Experiment, Prison Experiment, Vaccines, Human Trial, Laboratories, Scientists, Scientific

A strange phenomenon in which doctors aren’t seen as scientists by society is discussed. From twisted experiments conducted on people to society taking a doctors words as nearly sacred while simultaneously believing scientists as a whole are working against society. The massive pollution problems threatening the pokeworld is also addressed.



While investigating the pollution problem plaguing the pokemon regions of the world, the philosophers encounter a strange sex ring being run by the adults in the regions. They’re using the pollution as a distraction. On their way back to inform the UN the duo is sidetracked by mysterious files depicting crazed experiments conducted by doctors in hospitals which the government has brushed under the rug. This redirects their investigation towards a darker secret the world hides.

+ Episode Details

Topics Discussed

  • Human Experimentation
  • Experiments on Children
  • Strange 40 year projects
  • Sacred Doctors
  • Doctor Scientists
  • Corrupt Doctors
  • The Past seen as Crimes
  • Pedophilia
  • Sex Rings
  • Fainted Pokemon
  • Killing Pokemon
  • PokePollution
  • Littering Problems
  • Sentient Garbage

Rambling 39: The Dark Side of the Moon

The Moon, Moon Landing, Chinese Experiments, Science, Astronomy, The Just Conversation Podcast

The thinkers discuss the current experiments being run by China on the ‘Dark Side’ of the Moon, current and future events in astronomy and the state of space exploration as a whole.

A swarm of robot snowmen designed by twisted government experiments force our philosophers into a last stand for the survival of humanity. Unable to save the world from these apocalyptic events and the Itunes virus slowly corrupting machines the philosophers help build two space colonies. The first is stationed on the dark side of the moon with the Chinese colonists and the other on Mars with NASA. In the process of building the colonies the power of the Enterprises warp capacity is brought into question and the future of humanity as a whole is brought to the brink of extinction.

+ Episode Details

Topics Discussed:

  • Robotic Technology
  • Robot Snowmen
  • Military Experiments
  • Types of Apocalypse
  • Experiments on the Moon
  • “Dark”
  • Star Trek
  • Warp Travel
  • Space Exploration
  • Space Colonies
  • Stellar Travel

Rambling 29: Eminem in Raccoon City

The thinkers discover Eminem’s secret, then find themselves obligated to travel to Raccoon City to write and produce and entire album in under a month. While in the recording studio with the Rap God the pair witnesses a viral zombie outbreak. They suspect it a result of biological weaponry testing. And they discuss video games somewhere in the middle.

Excitement! Intrigue! Other alluring words!

The Just Conversation Podcast. Take nothing personal.