
…Rainbows in the Dust. Her hands, sift through the sanded confections, grasping for colored

connections that winded storms have covered in mistrust.

There is no Rain.

There is no Moisture.

There are no drops of wetness.

Only fine microscopic grains, that sit as


atonement dried by time but she never complains,

She forgives the


(She lives as Technicolor)

Dreaming in a black and white world that spins nothing more than Shades gray.

Her defenses and her senses is her crutch, she tastes the untouched smells the odor of wasted away.

(she sees pure) never can hate can hold her…

By Terry Dailey

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Other Side of The Rainbow – for Writers

…will I know when I have made it to the other side of the rainbow, somedays I just feel like giving up? Ever been there? Have you ever wondered “Where the Hell is That Rainbow!”

Many of us know the feeling of “hitting a wall” and you wonder what the best way is to get past them. I can tell you from experience that there will always be walls and there will always be a way to get past, over or around them.

One way people think of getting past their challenges is to take a break. They think that…

By Joy Harris

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Other Side of the Rainbow

…exists on the other side of the rainbow,
beyond the spectrum of ordinary color,
where her vicious hues have been whitewashed for acceptability.
Desolate stains of purple that mirror the bruises upon her soul,
with violent gashes of maroon depicting the murder of her heart.
Gloomy orange shades of the calm before the storm,
mingle with the sickening yellow hues of festering pain.
The grotesque greens of a jaded intellect,
choke off the blue-black tones of a bleak moonless night.
She exists on the other side of the rainbow,
In darkened shades of chaos,
beyond the spectrum of ordinary…

By L.E.

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In Front of Beyond

…coming ‘cross a rainbow, matters not if rich or poor

You feel like you’re the only one to see its’ beauty pure.

A vantage point unique to you, grey scumbled clouds behind

The poetry of light plays on the screen that is our mind.

Searching skies for sunbeams, which birthed the brilliant bow,

Eyes slide down prismatic bands to find its’ source below

No matter if we see the arc complete or just a part

It’s nature’s basic building blocks, primary colored art.

And even in the brightest sun, ends trail off in the mist

With thoughts of wealth and…


By James Geehring

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Hello and Goodbye

…seen that change was in his eyes.
He pressed his hand against her cheek
murmuring, “Oh, so beautiful! I never should've let you go!”
Tears in his eyes,
while he cries out for her.
She’ll never answer back.
Karma can remember when…
She said hello,
and he said goodbye.
Her heart was for him,
his for any other.
Crying out to God,
“Save me, for I am lost.
I miss my girl dearly.
Send me to her.
Oh, take me home,
To her, where I belong.
I love her now.
Forgive me, my dear.”
He saw her again.
He looked…

By Anonymous

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…sun arose bright and New,

Memories untainted despite they’re Old,

Life had lost its glory and its Hue,

Secretly pining over thoughts Untold.

Countless opportunities Await,

No dearth of distractions to Evade,

Relentless in effort to shoulder this Weight,

Deceiving the world with a Masquerade.

Even in moments of blissful Exhilaration,

The heart prevailed over immortal Time,

Failing to yield to Adaptation,

Will this Pain last a Lifetime ?

The sun arose with awareness Renewed,

Acceptance was the key to Liberation,

The heart and mind no longer at Feud,

For Pain was the fuel to…

By Aditya Gandhi


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To Call Australia Home

We are but one people with the linking of hands
Our hearts beat as one, with the melding of lands
We’re the dusty red soil, and the glorious streams
We are one proud heart with limitless dreams

We have iconic spire rocks
Wild eucalyptus, and wattle blossoms
Clear waters, amazing beaches
And furry brushtail possums
Secured and connected, together as one
One people, many hearts, under a vehement sun

Ancestors and creation, all part of The Dreaming
Conceived this new land, life thus began teeming
Red rocks were born
Of the dust and the lime
And moulded from the visions
Of spirits of time

Waters had once raged and helped shaped the land
The earth that erupted has eroded to sand
Squatters and swagmen tended it with their hands
While crystal blue skies prevailed over the lands
Together, we’re all fine mates, loyal and proud
No one is too lowly, no one disavowed
The radiant Southern cross proudly waves high above
Australia is home and the land that we love

By Sharon Cunningham 


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Into the Fray

No more tomorrows do they see
Nor words of love said, can there be
They left all behind as they buried their fear
To them it was duty they felt was more dear

So many left home for the very first time
The most crucial thing to happen in their short lifetime
Just barely 18, full of honour and pride
Sadly, many young boys were said to have died

Many a mother wailed as she clung to her son
She cared not one whit of the wrongs he had done
For he was her baby going off to the war
No more could she ask him to do one more chore

Dads stood by proudly as their boys took their place
They wished it was them, while tears streamed down their face
No longer could they hold back and present a strong front
Throats constricted and words issued in an inaudible grunt

Anxious wives hugged husbands and clutched children’s hands
It would fall on them now to handle life’s heavy demands
There were many young brides unconsoled on this day
Watching husbands trudge away, visibly in the family way

Thus into the mist they did depart, 
By foot and train, with heavy heart
Not only young men, but older too, 
Thousands and thousands, not just a few

Hour by hour, and day by day
Every brave moment they spent in the fray
This was not glory, this war was pain
The terror and misery they could never feign
We know you fought bravely, however beset
In our hearts you’ll remain
Lest We Forget

By Sharon Cunningham


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