The Stop

What happens when the oppressed stop playing by the rules


…saw him in passing. Just another car, another citizen driving, unremarkable in all aspects except one. He hit the wailer and took off down the road after him. His was heart beating fast and his adrenaline was coursing through his blood, amping his attitude and getting him ready to meet the enemy. He called it in over the radio keeping the specifics to a minimum as there was no real reason to approach as of yet. Thankfully he was given the latitude to stop and detain anyone he deemed…

By Isa Pulley

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The Champion

…my dragon's back,

my shield and armour made from scales no foe would dare attack.

I roam about the countryside and seek to do good deeds,

the peasants are such simple folk, I'm pleased to fill their needs.

No need to tilt at windmills, my opponents are quite real,

they smile and offer pleasantries but lie and cheat and steal.

With promises and hope for all, but never do deliver,

I vow to make them penitent with arrows from my quiver.

The overlords are arrogant, they feel they are immune,

but they've not dealt with dragons, perhaps they'll change their…

By James Geehring

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…hard to fight,

Fight my demons no one see's,

like darkness they follow me,

Shadows on my walls only my mind can see,

another night passed by the tick tick tick of my wall clock,

Here I'll stay, Here I lay watching my shadow dance once again,

Another night passed by the loneliness of a phone screens light,

As the sun rises I see my shadow start to move back into my mind as the world comes back to life,

A show I'll never miss, When the darkness moves within the light,

The most beautiful sight,

I say goodbye to…

By Marina Vos


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The Waiting Game

…approach the gate

You're loving me

And then you stop...

You stop... and make me wait

The symphony begins again

A smooth adagio

You're loving me

Again you stop...

You stop... and make me wait

Anticipation fills the air

I'm in a frenzied state

Why must you stop

You torture me...

You stop... and make me wait

My God, I'm going to kill you

If you stop and make me wait

You're loving me

So divinely

This time I cannot wait

Clutched in embrace

The cymbals crash

What magic you create

When loving me

Till I vibrate

I love you…

By Sharon Cunningham

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…sun arose bright and New,

Memories untainted despite they’re Old,

Life had lost its glory and its Hue,

Secretly pining over thoughts Untold.

Countless opportunities Await,

No dearth of distractions to Evade,

Relentless in effort to shoulder this Weight,

Deceiving the world with a Masquerade.

Even in moments of blissful Exhilaration,

The heart prevailed over immortal Time,

Failing to yield to Adaptation,

Will this Pain last a Lifetime ?

The sun arose with awareness Renewed,

Acceptance was the key to Liberation,

The heart and mind no longer at Feud,

For Pain was the fuel to…

By Aditya Gandhi


Twitter: seekingmyutopia

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