Into the Sunlight

…world still turns
My body still yearns
For that precious moment
That happens when I am about to fall asleep

Take me away from today’s misery
And propel me int tomorrow’s hope
Hold out what I need
And I will gladly climb the rope

Let the moon’s rays that cascade in soft light showers
On Earth cleanse my spirit and soul as my consciousness goes dead
Yet my mind is full and fed
Of dreams and ideas that arise in my mind after the day has died

While I am dreaming, let these thoughts
Cleanse and wash away
With soap…

By Tanya Brouse

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…sound of the great waves is that of a thousand souls

Souls gasping and crying, whispering and sighing

The sun dips below the horizon and ignites a blaze that knows no bounds

The clouds burst into flames and the sea is burning

Slowly, the fire fades and a new face smiles upon the sky

Like an elegant mistress in a silver evening gown, Luna glides across the heavens

Soon the graceful lady casts her sparkling jewels about

The stars glimmer in a glow of chill as the wind is cooled by darkness

A streak of gold falls into the waters…

By Julian Aisling

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…sun arose bright and New,

Memories untainted despite they’re Old,

Life had lost its glory and its Hue,

Secretly pining over thoughts Untold.

Countless opportunities Await,

No dearth of distractions to Evade,

Relentless in effort to shoulder this Weight,

Deceiving the world with a Masquerade.

Even in moments of blissful Exhilaration,

The heart prevailed over immortal Time,

Failing to yield to Adaptation,

Will this Pain last a Lifetime ?

The sun arose with awareness Renewed,

Acceptance was the key to Liberation,

The heart and mind no longer at Feud,

For Pain was the fuel to…

By Aditya Gandhi


Twitter: seekingmyutopia

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Smoke vanishes into the ceiling

…men children wives and the hand full of crazies,

None of whom are crazy enough to be wake at 4:30 am

Soon you will be standing over a drill, pummeling concrete, sitting on a plank of wood, eating an early lunch at 10:30

You will make small talk with the other men, men, who wiping sweat from their brow inform you of the 250 dollars they won on the Cowboys last night, or how their wife’s grandmother past away leaving only a collection of ceramic kittens,

The luck, it seems, favors chance over all else, weirdly distributed, handed…

By J. Dano Lampros


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Beautiful Delusion

…holding in the smoke, it rushes to my head and gives me a buzz as I wait for the slosh to pass through my throat. Finally, I exhale after I have digested the devil's nectar because I've already been damned the moment I signed my soul away to forever and always play music. I'll run in and out of the bathroom doing god knows what in the stalls, ending each trip with a long and strung out gaze into the mirror, with each stare down longer than the last. In those moments I feel like a fox. A sexy, thick…

By Rivett Raccoon

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Higgs-Boson Caress

…because I feel your energy and see your vibration, of so many colors.

There we are playing the game of 'tug of war,' who is able to pull the other over the fine line that divides us. Will that be you or me?!

The love that I feel and the desire that is with me also changes my colors, do you look at me in awe understanding how close we really are? Like the particles of those colors we are dancing with so many others we are blinded by the beauty we see.

Moving at the speed of light into…

By Tracey Albright-Goldblatt

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The Luna Moth

…flies through the night,

They beat soothing rhythms as she weaves left and right.

They are shaped from the tears of a maiden in love,

And drenched with compassion from angels above.

Her voice like the wind sings of sadness and sorrow,

As she hunts for some pain she could steal or could borrow.

The hum of her tongue as she licks the cool air,

Tells where to find those in peril or despair.

The silvery eyes embossed on her wings,

Shows where to look for regrets that life brings.

She seeks out regret to replace with hope,

So those…

© Words by Sarah Bowden

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There Is Sound

…room with intelligent

Intelligible language


And God, what is language?

The universe waking up

Speaking to itself

Singing itself to choir

Choruses and talk of angels in the ether from the pews and from the rafters

Silent lightning

Cracking barreling thunder



Beautiful as that of a lover

The sound crashing the sound;

Overlapping, not breaking

I hear myself scratch my own head-

Like a comet listening to its trail of embers, slower

The bright lights of the sky

Caught up in silent dangle

Geological time


The ringing checked metal slug of the toaster shooting out…

Jacob Lampros

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