There Is Sound

Vibration making sense in the air
The sigh of the muted horn
The quiet then quick talk of a loved one
Telling stories
Filling the room with intelligent
Intelligible language
And God, what is language?
The universe waking up
Speaking to itself
Singing itself to choir
Choruses and talk of angels in the ether from the pews and from the rafters
Silent lightning
Cracking barreling thunder
Beautiful as that of a lover
The sound crashing the sound;
Overlapping, not breaking
I hear myself scratch my own head-
Like a comet listening to its trail of embers, slower
The bright lights of the sky
Caught up in silent dangle
Geological time
The ringing checked metal slug of the toaster shooting out morning toast for lunch
I cry to hear myself think
I think I hear myself cry
The universe is talking to itself
We live in the mind of a mad man
Mad woman
Forever is forever
And that’s more than a long enough time for perfect idea to explode along on the scraggly scene and get things right
There is a sound
There is a real sound
It wakes my heart
I try to identify its truth
Music is real
Magic and belief should be reconsidered as one
Ding ding ding ding!
All bells are one!
Bells that means supper
That means our ship is on its way
The harbor
The ocean the Buoy
Competing as one
Completing one as the other starts up like waves on waves on waves
Chimes jingle
The mind registers
Where there is mind
What mind there is
What mind will come?


By Jacob Lampros

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