Rambling 281: Clinton Road: Part 2: Shadows

If Ghosts we title Echoes are visible time loops that can’t be interacted with, what is its opposite? Can Phantoms be interacted with? What are they? The duo continue unpacking the narratives around Clinton Road on their endless quest to understand what happened in their childhood. No longer looking at Echoes, they focus on the things that react to visitors. The stones uncovered will reveal some new perspectives never before visited on the show!

+Episode Details

  • Demonic Truck
  • Ghost Children
  • Disembodied Voices
  • Headless Horseman
  • Pine Barrens Devil
  • Melting Trees
  • Shifting Paths
  • Ghostly Campers

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod

Rambling 280: Clinton Road: Part 1: Echoes

Is Clinton Road actually Haunted? If not, what could explain the odd occurrences? Is there anything we can learn from them? The duo revisits the case of Clinton Road, a place often considered the most haunted region on Earth. Jack’s first hand experiences and the amount of reported cases work together to provide a new perspective on what is truly taking place at this paranormal hot spot. 

+Episode Details

Topics Discussed:

  • Thin Places
  • Spacetime Distortions
  • Ghosts vs Phantoms
  • Wormholes
  • Echoes
  • Slipping Through Time
  • The Bird Theory

Official Website - https://greythoughts.info/podcast

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustConvoPod

Facebook - https://facebook.com/justconvopod

Instagram - https://instagram.com/justconvopod