The Show Must Go On

…atmosphere at our new home in Lynnport was devoid of oxygen. In its place was the grey haze of cigarette smoke and the foggy gloom of scarcity. For this reason I spent as much time as possible outdoors.

I don’t recall feeling poor. I had the vast and beautiful expanse of rural Pennsylvania and my young imagination to sustain me. But ‘poor’ is the word my mother used. Although we had a sturdy roof…

By Mimm Patterson

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Yoga Nidra Meditation Script: Thank the Nature

…down and thinking about the ways to find the problems for your solution is one part of Yoga Nidra Meditation. Why don’t you look through the other part and take a minute or two to appreciate the beautiful world and mother nature? It would be a nice change of pace and you will get to realize the importance of the environment in your lives. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and let yourself flow with the…

By Soare Stapanire

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Yoga Nidra Meditation Script: For Stress

…you are lying down on the soft grass under the shade of a big tree. The wind is blowing quietly brushing your body making it feel like the wind is quietly embracing you. In front of you, there’s a lake in which clear water is flowing slowly. The wind and water are making beautiful calm music which is making you fall in the depths of the sleep. Above you, the sun is shining brightly blessing you with its warm…

By Soare Stapanire

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Few Facts: A Lot of Guess Work

…have bitten my tongue for as long as I can. I cannot ignore the apparent ignorance associated with currently disseminated data related to SARS CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), and COVID-19.

Much of the data espoused as “facts” by the self-proclaimed experts are actually speculations. By their own admissions (and publications from sites of authority, e.g., CDC) there are too many unknowns to…

By Robert L. Scarry

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The Journey to Discover Your Voice

You have a right to be who you are. Your unique talents have a place in this world. If you have not found your place yet, please keep seeking. There is a place for you.


…out who we are is a process that takes a lifetime. Even the person who is lying on their death bed, doesn't fully realize who they are…

By John Davis

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I Play a Part in This Drama of Life, and the Struggle to Own it

When you are willing to engage with the struggle of letting go while being empowered to change what you can, you will find a peace that no illusion of control will ever bring you.


…question came to my mind this morning. I’m sure it has come to yours.

When will our lives get back to…

By John Davis

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Birthing a New You

…can be very challenging. When you decide to take on a new challenge, you are going to feel discomfort. It’s this way for many people. It’s a normal part of the process. I invite you today to take on that new challenge…


…a male. I know nothing of the pain of childbirth. To pretend I do would be extremely dismissive to the women in the world who have. I will not go…

By John C. Davis

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Embracing Our Greatness

We are worthy of a beautiful life regardless of what we look like, what family we came…


…is the first thought that goes through your mind when somebody says that to you? Be honest now... I can tell you the first thought that goes through my mind is usually not very supportive. It usually runs somewhere between "If you only knew me", and "Are you…

By John C. Davis

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Balancing the Need for Risk With the Need for Security

There is a tension between knowing that it’s good for us to stay and commit to the situation at hand, and knowing that it is healthy for us to stretch and grow.


…as a society are always looking to something outside of ourselves to fix us. You can call it an addiction, envy, or restlessness. But, we all know what I'm talking about. It's the belief that if we could just be…

By John C. Davis

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The Gifts of Grieving

Grieving is not something any of us look forward to. But, the gifts contained in the experience of grieving are rich with opportunities for healing.


…admit it. None of us like to grieve. It is not something we ask for. It is not something we look forward to. It is not something we hope…

By John C. Davis

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