Few Facts: A Lot of Guess Work

I have bitten my tongue for as long as I can. I cannot ignore the apparent ignorance associated with currently disseminated data related to SARS CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), and COVID-19.

Much of the data espoused as “facts” by the self-proclaimed experts are actually speculations. By their own admissions (and publications from sites of authority, e.g., CDC) there are too many unknowns to consider when stating facts. Truth be told, much of the available information has been obtained without concern for established, and accepted epidemiological protocol.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated in an agency publication its, “serologic test is designed and validated for broad-based surveillance and research that will give us information needed to guide the response to the pandemic and protect the public’s health. The test is not currently designed to test individuals ... to know if they have been previously infected with COVID-19.”

During the 1940’s all recruits entering Great Lakes Training Facility were serologically tested for tuberculosis and a fungal disease, histoplasmosis. The data obtained from that study provided two essential pieces of evidence: 1. The endemic areas of the diseases, and 2. the degree of infectivity. A surprising discovery showed that a fairly unknown disease had infected more than 80% of the adults living in the Ohio River basin and only 5% had demonstrated overt disease symptoms. No such information exits for COVID-19, yet each day reports alleging new cases are released.

Without knowledge of previous insults by SARS-CoV-2 there is no way to determine the rate of infection outside of the current pandemic. In a nutshell, if the normal rate of infectivity is high then the current pandemic is a medical hoax. Until the actual rate of infectivity, i.e.,how many people serologically convert from negative to positive annually, all of the reported “new caes” may well represent common (though undesirable) infectivity and are not grounds for quarantine or hyper concern.

In the latter part of the twentieth century several “new diseases” surfaced. Interestingly as more information became available it was determined most of them had been misnamed or misdiagnosed for years. People have been dying from viral pneumonia fo centuries.. Now that we have a means to identify one of the etiologies as SARS-CoV-2 and stop calling that particular infection Severe Respiratory Distress is it really a new disease?

So, what is the point? This particular infection is relatively unknown. Most of the facts are theories. We do not know how it is transmitted. No biologic reservoir has been identified (if one even exist). There is no proven cure. Its mortality rate has only been hypothesized, and its origin remains a subject of suspected conspiracy.

Until answers are provided speculation should be curtailed. Efforts to reduce the threat are based upon generalities. Guidelines like hand washing and keeping hands away from the face suggest a lack of transmission information. Quarantine and social distancing also indicate a lack of information regarding transmission. New case updates do not consider infectivity information. Mortality reports fail to consider ancillary causes.

As a final consideration ask yourself: How much of the current pandemic’s fear was initiated in an attempt to provide immense income to a privileged few? Imagine that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 exists. Only a select few know of its existence and control it. Further imagine sufficient fear to demand proof you have been vaccinated prior to resuming any normalcy in your life. In essence you are denied your right to the pursuit of happiness. Yes, imagine that.

By Robert L. Scarry

From: United States

Twitter: usnavy1990bob

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Robert.Scarry.3