The Writing Life Revisited: Submissions and Other Forms of Self-Flaggelation

…I last left you in The Writing Life and Other Horrors (2008), I stated that “If you want me, I’ll be in Anza, California writing. Writing to save my life.”  Over the last decade, one thing is certain, that being that, apparently, nobody wants me. Not book publishers, not literary agents, not literary magazines, not even friends and family…

By John Krieg

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Balancing the Need for Risk With the Need for Security

There is a tension between knowing that it’s good for us to stay and commit to the situation at hand, and knowing that it is healthy for us to stretch and grow.


…as a society are always looking to something outside of ourselves to fix us. You can call it an addiction, envy, or restlessness. But, we all know what I'm talking about. It's the belief that if we could just be…

By John C. Davis

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The Rain Merit Badge

Girl Scouts go camping.


…I was ten my girl scout troop, all decked in green and satchels, waved to our clustered parents. I remember the smiles, and what appeared to be tears as our long yellow school bus drove away. We were leaving for the whole weekend. Our homework from school was finished or put off indefinitely. We sang…

By Alex Almeida

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