The Distance Between Objects

…my running away from home in October 1991, when I was thirty-three years old. I’d been planning my escape for years, first as a child with an active imagination in rural Pennsylvania, then with a brief marriage the summer of my sophomore year of college in Crete, Nebraska. I collected my degree in art and education the weekend Mount Saint Helens erupted. It was the same weekend that I climbed into…

By Mimm Patterson

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The Show Must Go On

…atmosphere at our new home in Lynnport was devoid of oxygen. In its place was the grey haze of cigarette smoke and the foggy gloom of scarcity. For this reason I spent as much time as possible outdoors.

I don’t recall feeling poor. I had the vast and beautiful expanse of rural Pennsylvania and my young imagination to sustain me. But ‘poor’ is the word my mother used. Although we had a sturdy roof…

By Mimm Patterson

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