Factors of 'Existence' Explained

This is a quick, simple and easy to understand way to think of Existence and the individual parts which equal existence.

Definitions and Explanations inside.


...create the experience we consider “Existing.”

Consciousness – Awareness, Perceiver
Soul – Characteristic, Emotion
Mind – Thought, Navigation, Logic
Body – Recording Device, Automatic Machine
Life – Energy, Fuel

The Five

Consciousness – This is the perceiving piece of the puzzle. This is the ‘REAL YOU.’ The one witnessing events. It witnesses events from one Existence frequently enough to believe it is those parts creating the experience, but it’s just watching the other four pieces at work.

Soul – This is an abstract set of....

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Meditation: The Minimalistic Guide

A simple and minimalistic guide to understanding and performing meditation.


Meditation is not sitting with your eyes closed and legs crossed to achieve some LSD state of mind.
That is what LSD is for.

The Purpose
The goal of meditation is to silence the inside voice and allow a natural external focus state to persist. By distracting one’s inner monologue with simple, basic and meaningless tasks it becomes easier to ignore. This focus state is widely known as Flow State. Don’t be fooled, Meditation and Flow State are one and the same. They both focus the user on the moment at hand and do so by shelving the inner monologue.

Useful Perspective to Understanding Meditation
Meditation is reclaiming control and focus from the inner monologue.
The inner monologue and the thinker are two different entities.
You should willingly …

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The Dying Art of "Discussion"



How can it be possible for a person to be so willing to argue their perspective and impose their reasoning on others but be completely unreceptive to Feedback and counter information?

If you’ve never gathered information because you listen to no one while waiting your turn to speak, what are you speaking? There has been no information collected. At that point we can assume your perspective isn’t yours but something you read from a book, magazine or the internet.

Which part of an opinion you read and repeated is yours? Which part did you originate? Or do you sit around repeating other people’s views on things?

What original input do you have? And if none, why not listen to someone else’s to add to your informational bank?

You don’t have to believe the thing to understand why someone else does.

Isn’t knowing why the villain believes they are the hero the only way to defeat the villain? Know your enemy and know thyself, but there is no self and the villain is ignored so no information processing takes place ever… There is just repeating and reciting. Is that a good basis for an argument?

I don’t know, I rely on reason. I find it strange someone would argue something they’ve given no thought to. It’s strange. And why their emotions on it are more of a solid fact from their eyes than the objective logic behind it is weird and probably wrong.

I live in a strange world.

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Detached Eye

I move through the groves letting the cosmos tell me what to do
Which is to sooth the noobs with crude true statements due
Warm blood thick like oil boils spoiling the noise in the air
Leaving waves, pure, lingering where reality used to be
Perspective is all about incentive and reason for introspection
Objective is the mind of he who lessens his role in the grand design
Listens to the echoes and signs nature leaves behind as features we’re often blind to
‘Cause some guy pointed at a thing and we began to argue

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Raise America's Red Flag

The army of blue and white

Blood color doesn’t matter in this fight

Thin tipped tongue rippin’ quick lipped puns

And the badge got a gun

Slick sippin’ the plot thickens

It’s a stickup better run

Stop thinkin’ the clocks tickin’

Shackles off the rack rattles

The chains dangle the hangman caught

Mangled by the boar whored for a cost

No more golden badges lost

Iron bars and supply jobs

Hard work a dime an hour

The blue king sits tall atop the tower built to compensate for how small the coward really is

And takes a piss on all the little kids

But the rise will come quick

Stickin’ it nice and thick

The demise of the pattern

Nicely we’ll shatter the system

Show them it doesn’t matter and free them

Raise America’s Red Flag

Bring blue and white across the line to meet black

Show them all their blood is red and make a fuckin' flag from that

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Destroyer of Ego

Discipline requires patience and clarity
The mind is not only the source of the ego, but also, the breaker of ego
Endurance, persistence, strive and determination all point towards the same things
Resisting through the struggle, fighting on through complication, adversity and misfortune
Using one’s self control to continue a task or activity despite what challenges may come
Discipline, the destroyer of Egos

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The Philosophy of Creation

...their uninspired craft? Well, no. That’s not the way to go. Because skill and method overcomes any amount of inspiration. The trick is to develop a form to bypass the unexpected inspiration with measurable and expected steps which produce a perfect replica of said inspiration.

The best advice is simply “Do the Work.” Just get the thing done at all costs. Whether it ends up a fantastic work of art or gets shelved in shame. The experience is what the creator should seek. That is where the lesson is hidden. Method hides behind obligation and force, not random blessings.

Skill is a knife carved out of wood, inspiration is someone handing over the wooden knife. The difference is when forced to replicate it, bits and piece of the process are understood versus being given a wooden knife and having zero clue where or how it was created. Understanding is...

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The way I experience reality is just that, The Way I Experience Reality. My experience is unique and applies to no one but myself. Even if someone else goes through a situation identical to mine at the very moment I do, everything we’ve experienced in life up to that moment has shaped how we’ll react to the situation. If our entire lives weren’t identical then our reactions will differ. That is the nature of reality. We’re shaped by our environment just as much as our genetic makeup.

This means our opinions and where we see purpose and meaning are shaped by our experiences. Even if all the masses agree on an “average” good or evil scale. And we agree on rules, more or less. It’s all still because it’s as close to being on the same page as we can get.

Inherent meaning remains subjective to the individual believing there is such a thing and then deciding to ignore the opposing opinions against the argument. Simply the existence of a counter argument means there is a counter argument to be made. A case against the inherent, thus something exists that doesn’t perceive the inherent in the first place and doesn’t react upon it.

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Meaning & Purpose

A short explanation on how there is no such thing as right or wrong!



Meaning and Purpose are words that describe a subjective combination of Rationality and Imagination.
The objective universe has no meaning or purpose.

There is no inherent good without first there being a judgement on something else being bad. Good and bad are not mutually exclusive, rather, they have a symbiotic existence. They’re vastly dependent on one another. Additionally, both good and bad vary widely depending on the subjective judger. The same way one might believe abortion is bad because a life is being taken, another might believe suffering is being prevented and thus it is good.

Meaning and Purpose are synonymous in this case, and like...

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Second Amendment Rights

...as the Black Community attempts to add ownership restrictions out of fear that the White Community would be a danger if armed.

In both instances Government Politics sides with the Caucasian population.

In the 1950s and 1960s the African American population armed itself to avoid being killed by the Caucasian population.

In the 2000s and 2010s the African American population attempts to unarm general population to avoid being killed by the Caucasian population.

Ultimately none of this matters. The government has bigger guns than either side is allowed to own. If government military decided to rise up against us there is nothing a fully automatic rifle could do to stop it. A Nuke versus a rifle seems unfair in the first place. It’s that easy to erase proof of our existence.

They keep us debating the guns against each other while keeping eyes off of the fact that they get to own what they’d like. If civilians are unarmed the government is a threat. If civilians are armed then civilians are a threat. In both cases to the Black Community.

This is a stereotype that holds some half-truths. The Black Community kills its own constantly. The White Community also kills it’s on constantly. The black community kills the white consistently. The white community kills the black consistently. It’s all equal.

Media is a tool that allows a simple thing to occur and it is to feed the desired image to the general population.
In predominantly white communities only inform on when a black community member commits a crime against a white community member.
In predominantly black communities only inform on when a white community member commits a crime against a black community member.
As this becomes the most stable image...

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