Destruction of the masses by disastrous frenzied bastards.
Leaking and manipulating the scheduled lives of the many classes caught in digital hazardous conditions they’ve had at us.
An intrepid hero who’s never been seen is trapped with their eyes in front of a screen and seamless transitions from visual scenes mean nothing and seem fuzzy, for only illusions could they be.
But a little thought settle not whether we’d know better.
Reality is money hungry and ruthless in its pursuit and as loud mice we must admit when the cat is too big and bury our heads in the granulated wall.
Back ally voices in expensive blue suits discuss paintings. Expensive art with a beating heart. A message for the loyal pets. Reprogramming, behavior must be modified. Feed it, get it on your side and change how it thinks. Even if it means one at a time.
They use the screen we hold.
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