
Sometimes, we see ourselves lost in the darkness even though we are really in the light.


…fumbled around in the darkness, praying for a sign.

Her hands felt nothing as she grazed the cool wooden floor.

Her eyes burned from the tears and her breathing quickened.

She cries in silence, not making a sound.

Silence filled the room.

Silent is remained for the rest of the night.

She read stories of how dawn broke curses.

But she knew better than that.

Her body spazzed in the darkness.

It was the only way that she knew she was still a…

By Transcending Thoughts

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Into Lightness

Previously published in Shirley (issue 2, 2015)

This story is about a dog that escapes into his dreams.


…air was warm and the ground beneath me was soft, and wet, and I was running. 

The earth was moist, and I was sniffing the earth, letting my nose guide me to the answers that lay underneath the ground. 

Maybe I had escaped my kennel, or maybe someone had unlatched the door, but that ceased to matter to me once I scratched the ground and found earthworms, chicken, twigs. The smell of food was thick enough to chew on. I heard barking in the distance, and ran to meet…

By Monica Macansantos

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To Fly Like The Wind

…fly like the wind,

And be young again

Are dreams of old bones.

Sing a sigh, then

Find the grace 

Instead tell stories.

For you are the thread

That God sent

To weave eternity.

Like an act of prayer

Notes of joy

A body of forgiveness

In all you do and breathe.

In this, you will be grace

And God's own…

By NL McCormick

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When World Unites

 …world unite

Hatred will lose its humongous value

Selfishness will die in striking solitude

Our night will be addressed as daylight

For gloom never will cause us doom

Heaven will cast upon us, stares of jealousy

Celestial bodies will wish to resign their duties

Mama will roll her wrapper peacefully

While offering her offspring's mirthful smiles

Papa will crown his cap unperturbed

Walking the heart of town undisturbed

When world unite

No room will be allocated for chaos

No space, be given for weighing woes

We, in safety sip our sultry soup

And lay our heads in serene…

By Sehloho Piet Rampai

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…long will the dreams last? I only ask because it’s your face that haunts me every night. If you don’t know, then kindly point me in the direction of someone who does. What? No. We’re not going to talk about that today. Because. Because, I don’t want to. Because. Not today Satan. I didn’t say I dreamed about you – I said your face haunts me. No, I don’t want to talk about it and no you can’t help me. I don’t dream about you. I dream about yester-you. Before- you. The before you became you- you. The I love…

By L.E.

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