Rambling 98: Streaming Video Games

Gaming, Video Games, Internet, New, Episode, The Just Conversation Podcast, Technology, Future Technology, Advanced Technology, Science, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, Stadia, Steam, VR, Virtual Reality, AR, Augmented Reality

What does the future of gaming look like? Should streaming games become the norm? All that and more on this episode of Just Conversation.

In a world where corniavirus rages across the lands and people hide in fear from secret federal police beating people senseless humanity has resorted to playing video games and watching streamed television as a way to pass the time. The clone duo decide to do the world justice and fix the gaming industry for all of the gamers of the world and what they discover as they do so will change their lives forever!

+Episode Details

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Topics Discussed

  • Latency
  • Streaming Platforms
  • Multiplayer Gamer
  • Gaming Netflix
  • GTA Online
  • No Man’s Sky
  • Eminem, Lil Wayne and Andre 3000
  • Fixing the Gaming Industry


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Rambling 26: The Multiverse

The Multiverse, The Just Conversation Podcast, Reality, Universe, Cosmos, Galaxy, Space, Astronomy, Metaphysics, Physics

The thinkers discuss how our universe might be the multiverse to several universes created within it. Any universe capable of creation is a multiverse to all those creations. They discuss the infinite variety of universes. And how all the universes within our multiverse may have several branching timelines of their own. Video game developers are the gods of their video games. Gamers are less powerful demigods.

Rambling 22: Resident Evil & Fans

On this Ramble of the JCP the philosophers discuss Resident Evil 7. They share their likes and dislikes of the game. Spoil DLC and bash on the flopping fans of the series.

1.01 The Start

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The Just Conversation Podcast

1.01 The Start

Philosophers Jack Thomas, Cristina Collazo and Jomar Cardec (AKA Reaper) have candid discussions about controversial topics, often hilariously making light of them.

Trailers: Click Here

Topics On This Episode

  • Creative Support
  • Being A Soldier In The Military
  • Bad Tattoo Ideas
  • Nintendo & Video Games
  • Space Travel & Mars
  • Alien Mind Control
  • Awkward Teen Relationships
  • Humanity, A Cancer To Earth
  • Technology is Nature
  • The 9/11 Conspiracy