One Day
/…warrior once had to lie half naked in the bush for days for insects, scorpions, snakes and other strange reptiles to crawl over his body. For days he lay quiet while insects entered his eyes…
By Benjamin Nambu
Read MoreThe Abstract Art Gallery
A writing gallery created by writers from around the world. From poetry to song lyrics, from essays to entire novels and short stories.
…warrior once had to lie half naked in the bush for days for insects, scorpions, snakes and other strange reptiles to crawl over his body. For days he lay quiet while insects entered his eyes…
By Benjamin Nambu
Read More…were I to toss it, the earth will be that much closer to irreversible destruction, thanks to my thoughtlessness. And, I read that most of what we contribute to the recycle bin is ultimately tossed, thereby destroying…
By Fran Pearce
Read MoreIt's never a good…
…citizens of sleepy Camulodunum must have had quite a shock when they saw what was coming at them - 120,000 howling Celts led by a tall fierce woman with long tawny hair flying…
By K. L. Shipley
Read MoreHappiness is only…
…the sunny summer day. Live, stop and smell the roses. Cast gloom aside. Rejoice in the blue sky. Banish gray from your mind. “Well enough, but where will the gray be banished to? Never far away. The blue sky will return to gray. The rose will crumple and die. Winter will bury…
By K. L. Shipley
Read MoreTechnology is moving so…
…things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the…
By Linda Troxell
Read MoreWe're only here awhile.
…dimming of the day, the end of the trail, the golden years, and so on. So many ways to say poetically what is uncomfortable in prose; death is near. Poetic euphemisms veil harsh reality. They say politely what no one wants to say, at…
By K. L. Shipley
Read MoreThe whirr of time comes again.
…every seventeen years the air is filled with a cacophony of click-clacking buzzing, that seem to be vibrating everywhere at once. It is the song of the cicadas. It is properly called crepitation. It is more commonly called a damned…
By K. L. Shipley
Read MoreHanna's character is…
…once was a little girl, who wrote a little poem, about a moon that wasn’t there. Her teacher had asked her class to look at the evening sky and write a poem about the full moon that would light the sky that night. Little Hanna, was a very good girl. She intended to do just what her teacher…
By K. L. Shipley
Read MoreI use the term "cosmic poetry"…
…mingle within the cosmos and to speak about it as though you are, yourself, one of the trees in a jungle with countless details, or a wave in an ocean that no one knows how and where to locate; one deer among the multitudes of its species, or a moose that veils herself in the depth of a…
By Fadi Abu-Deeb
Read MoreWhat shows greater character…
…spirits with a note of caramel lingering on the tongue. Morning light dancing through the glass. How pleasant. And, if you don’t get drunk, where’s the harm? I imagine most drunks start their day with similar thoughts and get drunk…
By K. L. Shipley
Read MoreGrey Thoughts is a place for a multitude of creators in numerous different mediums to display their creative projects for the world to see.