(Who Am I?...#6) The Conqueror

This is more personal for me. I hope I was able to capture the grip it had in me.


Quiet the race running

inside your head.

To make of any sense

what has become common

and hard to negate.

Your fate and it's date through

the old smolderin iron gate.

Indigenous here celebrate.

I've crept my way

into dark recesses

of twisted, sick

demented minds.

Thrived on your fears

feasted on your sorrows

dining with a special whine.

of your exact kind

of anyone you Love.

So as to guarantee

tomorrow you'll be seeing me.

I'm hate in purest state.

Your strength that grows weak.

Effortless are my persuasions

Everyday I say this...

You can run

and go ahead and hide.

Whom I know inside

will always coincide

answering my knock

to that door.

Nay, there a day 

deprived of me.

Your best friend. 

Your partner in crime.

Your guide as you hide.

Behind what deceitful

mask I choose to display.

Alone and depressed.

Or one of my favorites

strung- out mess.

Suicidal tendencies will

vividly induce you into 

my trance.

I'm the fight you can not win

The Love where you never been.

Lucifers first own created demon.

I'm the keeper of pain.

"The Conqueror" of spirit.

Your one of many... Addiction.

By InSaNeLy NoRmL

From: United States

Twitter: @norml77

Facebook URL: www.insanelynorml77.com/facebook