Lost in Gods Embarce.

Im not a big believer in writer's block. For one reason and one reason only, because there is always something to right about.and an abundance of words to pick and choose and to write. It could be just me... If you keep thinking of something tell me how many times it becomes harder.


In truth I've been told.

If I dare be so bold.

Twisting the lies sold.

Turning your " mind" cold.

I write with no limits

placed upon my talent

a blessed gift with no

blockage of miss takes.

Hate me as they will, a writer is how they feel.

The reader if I may, only visualizes escape,

from their written reality, a descriptive tragedy.

A writers block is his own, silent and dark stone.

Selftalking while sleepwalking.

Awake from the dead disease.

Convicting yourself within

your dreams of active conflict.

Me, I write with no form, 

no thoughts to structure,

or title before I begin.

Trusting in Gods vision.

I take my leap in blind faith. An aquired taste.

)Thump(thump(...the beaten heart speaks...)thump

to a deafening cry whispered to the spirit.

Holy swords and war are mine no more.

Theres never been a shortage,

of words to display. No certain

way when writing to convey,

what is known today.

Write that you can't write.

Let your rhyme and reason

go from out of sight.

Writing is easier and pleasing.

What do I know being an ameatur and all.

Freedom in sin burn the pages I pen.

My words of help better to understand.

Good, bad, right or wrong, on me it will fall.

No doubt or fear in the gift God has given.

Free will feel free lost in Gods loving hands.

By InSaNeLy NoRmL77

From: United States

Instagram: Insanely.norml77

Twitter: @77norml

Facebook URL: www.insanelynorml77.com/facebook