Rain Song

Dreams and ghosts. Memories and midnight. Was I lonely or alone?


…cheap night.

It was always the same thing. A dirty street, across from a muddy park, down from a polluted river.

She would sit on the bench at the transit stop with her brown bag poison. Sometimes she would hold it up to the sky, as an offering; sometimes she would just drink it.

After a few choked back slugs she would begin to sing. A throat warble, really, but she tried.

Songs about heaven and songs about horses.

One night as I was watching her party for one…

By Shauna Woodbury

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It's The Same As It Never Was

…they found him he was wet, shivering, naked and under three burlap blankets. His skin was riddled with insect bites, bits of leaves and indescribable things were embedded in his flesh. He had been struggling to finish what may have been a beautiful lullabye to a baby hummingbird when he had been discovered. He repeatedly uttered the following in a melodioc yet tragic and desparate yearn of passion.......'Forsake the slake of moonlit rise, for take the make of heartbreak prise, be my glory, my story my endless relentless tries....just be and be for me and mine'. ........ They covered…

By Shauna Woodbury

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Too Much Talk Yet Nothing Said

…sunburst, rainbows on fire, skylights of silver stars, black cherry ice spikes, mango splash slides and champagne on angel wings.

We are craving the dynamite. We are tasting your explosions.

All the promises and the failed deliveries. The dangled broken pieces of romance and the loose fitting rumors but we keep wanting the truth we keep hoping for your reality. We watch we want and we believe as you dance and circle and flaunt. Run. No. Stay. We have to have you. Go. Wait. Show us more.

It's hypnotic erotic. It's disgusting and beautiful.

Hold still. Fly away.

There's whispers…

By Shauna Woodbury

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You're Fired

…don't care anymore. You can leave. You can stay. You can talk I won't listen. You can cry I can cry but the tears that fall aren't for the same reason.

Black white pink blue it's all just talk it's all just empty words filling up air space. Your breath

is foul anyway. Poisoned by your lies festered in bile. It doesn't matter. Preach, yell, rant, or offer creepy platitudes and cliches. I'm going on without you.

You are a stain in my memory. You are... There's no point in finishing this simply because I don't care. No need to…

By Shauna Woodbury

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