It's The Same As It Never Was

When they found him he was wet, shivering, naked and under three burlap blankets. His skin was riddled with insect bites, bits of leaves and indescribable things were embedded in his flesh. He had been struggling to finish what may have been a beautiful lullabye to a baby hummingbird when he had been discovered. He repeatedly uttered the following in a melodioc yet tragic and desparate yearn of passion.......'Forsake the slake of moonlit rise, for take the make of heartbreak prise, be my glory, my story my endless relentless tries....just be and be for me and mine'. ........ They covered him from the cameras as they walked him away from me. I stood in the days fading light at the bottom of that canyon. I knew this was my chance. My chance to be never afraid. Time after time I'd been afraid. I watched him in the distance and I had a choice to make. I could remain my final hours in the haunting moment as the dessert became a frigid and massive coffin or I could scramble my way up those canyon walls and break free into the night. Either way he was safe.

The sun was a sliver behind the western hills and I remained. To my left was my body. They never looked for it just for his. Thankfully before I died I was able to cover him with some material from our wreckage. My body was decayed and chewed. I remained. He was safe.

Time after time I make the choice.


Morning has risen and here they come again to look for him. He's covered and singing his sweet little song. I stand in plain view as they walk him away. My body is just bones now and I remain. Time after Time.

By Shauna Woodbury

From: Canada