Lake Cabin Day

Looking through the cabin windows, the lake gave me this visual.


Whitecaps on the water, winds drive waves upon the rocks

Brightly colored water toys swept off their spots on docks

Boats are safely brought ashore, secure away from shoals

Laundry in from clotheslines, among the stated goals

Tools that rest near projects, gathered up and put in sheds

Garden gloves collected from the bordered flower beds.


Though the sun is shining, in the distance still a haze

Local knowledge tells of how the wind could last for days

The far shore just a grey-green line that clouds are trying to hide

The cabin door inviting you to take a step outside 

Clean air breathed in deeply, faces turned now toward the blow

Seagulls hover easily as they search for fish below.


Summer rushes forward on the ever-freshening breeze

Cedars’ pinecones dancing near the paper birches’ leaves

This day, this lake, the gusty winds, a picture-perfect view

No art of man could ere achieve what nature can imbue

The waves move with a rhythm, just as certain as life’s clock

This gusty day, upon the lake, a good time to take stock.


By James Geehring

From: United States

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