Unclassified Past

O'Love! Wait a while.


I am a lioness in a birdcage

A bird in the depths of an ocean

I am powerful and free

But I am not

Where I should be.

I am trapped,

Here in the box of lost memories

Waiting for you

To come and claim me as yours.

I am battered and wounded

From the unclassified past.

Rooted and thrashed out into the barren land.

But the root still finds soil

In your love.

O'Love! Spare me some time

I will fight

And I will definitely win

And rebound to you.

I know,

I have a long way to go

But I get intoxicated with the fragrance of your love.

And I vow this time

I will be the cedar

To touch the sky of love.

By Monalisa Parida

From: India

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