The Puzzle Piece...

The Puzzle Piece That Broke At Last

You kill me quiet in the cold

I always have to fold

my lucky hand a full house

And you tell me to put it out out

I’m not sure what to say

I just want the pain to go away

Yet each time you slice me through

I feel like I have no control too

as I murmur the right words to say

The whole time I felt like falling away

I’m poised and perfected as a picture

The only way to get back is by getting sicker

At least that’s what I feel as we bicker

Back and forth the same argument old

And every time I always always fold

I take myself apart so prettily and precise

I’m pretty sure I am made of ice

At least to die like this would be nice

The only way out is through

And a constant murmur of “I love you’s”

But you can’t stop to think it through

I break myself again and again for you

I am worth more than this

But you know exactly how to kiss

My lips and make me smile

At least every once in a while

I thought I long forgotten how

Yet Every time I always take a stage bow

I am owed a standing ovation or three

or I would even settle for an apology

I’m not even sure what I mean

I just want to know if you’re here

The only reason why I’m asking still

is because you have always been there my dear

until the dawn went down to day

The proof that nothing gold can stay

Forever and forever we are always

setting fire to the pouring rain

You carry my heart and it

is slowly consistently making me insane

I love you so much I can’t complain

I’m just so sorry I need to break

like a sunrise over the horizon

We are always going farther than we wanted

By Slyvia Rose

From: United States


Instagram: sylvia_plath_a

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