That's not how the story should have ended.

My father killed my mother in 1993. I was 10. Most of my work is inspired by my past. Enjoy.


…not how the story should have ended. 

Stabbed to death, all cold and scary.

No more fairytales, lego jails or home made clothes on bloody mary. (Our Barbie doll. Her wounds we tended)


We couldn't pretend it didn't matter,

Misplaced trust all crimson faces in afterworld misleading places.

Grief does many things to too many people. Mine gave me mistrust the only thing that was ever equal.


They shared the same lack of my faith as that in I, I could not face.

I was the killer and he was me. My rightful father so it seems. We shared the blood we shared the veins I wore the bit he held the…

By Tracie Daily

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December Winds

Song lyrics. A link to the music can be found here:


…came in a flurry, 

Brought by December winds;

A spark that I'd buried away.


And that spark burned ages ago,

But I shut my eyes and let it go.

Yet, somehow I've found it again.


Can't we rewind the story?

Can't we turn back the page?

All these questions I'm after 

Are suddenly standing in my way.

Can't I melt the frost around you?

This time, I won't run away.

As the winter snow falls,

I'm reminded of all we could save.


You're eyes were a…

By Theresa Redmond

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How the Story Should Have Ended

In the wake of the latest rounds of gun violence in America...


…day of school

Third grade

Reading and math and playgrounds

The bus ride home

Playing in the yard until dark

Dinner with Mom and Dad

Tucked in with kisses at bedtime

Dreams of sunlit days and rainbows

That's how the story should have ended


Came and angry young man with a gun

Shopping at the mall

Afternoon respite

Picking clothes and toys and trinkets

A bassinet

The drive home

Painting the nursery

A quiet evening together

Choosing a name

Planning all your tomorrows

That's how the story…

By Mike Turner

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