The Stabbing

…happened so fast. The black kid grabbed her purse. She stabbed him. The steel blade pierced his heart. He stumbled back a few feet and fell dead to the street. She picked up her purse and without thinking wiped the bloodied knife on his body. Forgetting where she had intended to go. She walked numbly back to her apartment, locked the door and stared blankly into…

By K. L. Shipley

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…stared hard at her. “You don’t look that scary.”

She snickered and tilted her head to the side, as if to acquiesce. “I get that a lot.”

She waved her hand nonchalantly in the direction of the Ferris wheel that had suddenly appeared. “After you...”

“Uh...wait. Hang on. I take it back. You’re extremely intimidating and... and... WAIT. NO!” He shrieked as she gingerly rested her hand on his shoulder and he begins to walk towards the carnival contraption against his will.

His eyes rolled back in his head and he begins to wail in earnest as his body…

By L.E.

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Borrowed Time

Heartbreak, mending, heroin and recovering


…unfair my life was blighted by substance

and the memories are difficult,

though I still notice all the anguish and injustice?

So if I was to accept this “God given talent”

and let my creativity flow,

I think I’ll push this envelope and make this unpleasant.

Joyce, Poe, Gialketsis and Tennyson

add mine to my favorites,

impacting the inspiration of the English language.

These kinetic adversaries that just seemed to spew

tsk tsk,

for my family and friends and that substance you!

I won’t be cowardice and I will speak strictly

my spirit is shaking,

up to the day…

By Vegas Gialketsis

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Shadows, Trees & Odd Mysteries - The Ghosts in the Trees

…up in his bedroom, he had his head buried in a mystery book he found at the junk shop — for over three hours straight. That’s when Mum called out from downstairs and asked him to feed their dog, Sala, a bowl of boiled chicken in rice from the kitchen. Enthralled by the story, Oddy absentmindedly ran down to the kitchen, took out the tray of corned beef from the oven instead and fed it to his dog before rushing back to his room to carry on with his reading. Sala lapped the food up and went off to her…

By Malcolm Fernandes

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