Diaries of a Primary Researcher Part 2

…journey of thousand miles begins with one step” this proverb has enhanced my sight in most of life’s challenges. I do not believe in magic nor miracles especially in situations that will create my destiny for the rest of my life. My vision as a candidate-teacher, the field of making researchers and writing itself is a practical and productive field rather than just as it used to be for most students. Besides that, I think this sort of…

By Bushra Tughar

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Diaries of a Primary Researcher Part 1

…I listen to the word research, it seems to me curiosity about the whole of a specific issue. As I also hear about someone who is a researcher, I realize this body is doing a huge and massive job. Although all of the people have affairs that push them to figure out, they are not conscious about this natural habit of searching and discovering. I may define the word “research” as collecting the…

By Bushra Tughar

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The Protest's Surprises

…all the Libyan people lived in peace and less poverty within all fields. Libyan society was reserved and full of love, but they were hidden fear and sadness, almost rejected for their social opinion. However, Libyan community had been celebrating the revolution of alfatah for about 40 years by the end of August of…

By Bushra Tughar

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