The Protest's Surprises

In 2010, all the Libyan people lived in peace and less poverty within all fields. Libyan society was reserved and full of love, but they were hidden fear and sadness, almost rejected for their social opinion. However, Libyan community had been celebrating the revolution of alfatah for about 40 years by the end of August of every year. The army shows, fireworks, green white lights in the street and highly hygiene were conducted and had been done by Moammar's people and their wright hand. This preparation almost took one week at least, as well as vacations had been sat up for that day. This was not an ordinary issue for him as anyone clashes him, might be killed or kidnapped. As 1st Sept comes, unusual shows were played and sense of happiness jumped within Moammar’s lovers and beloved ones. Fireworks had been begun from the night before and ended the day after, all this huge festival could be seen in the heart of capital called" the green stage". What’s more, all the huge sitting stages were built by thick wood, and secure windows made of anti-attack glass. On that day, the party was begun immediately after sunset with the national poem that were written for Gaddafi by a foreign writer. All in all, the revolution festival of alfatah was incredible, marvellous and attended by only very important people, who was invited by the president and no one else. This was very manipulating for the common people, also made them feel frustrated and unwanted.

In that case, my life was usual like the folks. As I was in my third elementary school, I had been planning what I wanted to be, everything went to unexpected path but I believed in God’s plan. I dreamed of speaking two languages fluently “English and French” writer as well, I had reached part of my dreams. Sometimes many of us see issues from only one perspective, and that make people feel disappointed or negative In general. I passed my third elementary school gorgeously, that day was the last week of August which our national event was preparing.

However, all families made success party for their children. My dad bought me a big blue cake, and we took it to our grandparents for celebration. Many gifts were given to me such as camera from my uncle and his wife, money, shipping ticket to Tunisia, a nice silk scarf, and much more for the whole week. I was delighted with that party and presents, which pushed me to study more and more to have such this day. It was such swell feelings and pleasant days with my family and friends.

The unexpected surprise after one year (2011) was getting three years of secondary school in the hoped major without effort. As the first year of secondary school was begun in the end of alfatah festival month “September”, all my colleagues in the new school were overjoyed and enthusiastic. The whole books were printed in English except Arabic and Islamic books, the marvellous surprise was French class that was taken only for two years. Two years later, I learned the base of French language and speech English semi-fluent. Although it had been ambiguous events, it led me to discover the wisdom of god and have faith-energy. As the 17th Feb revolution was broke out, international and national problems released. One of these problems was causing a political fight with one of the foremost and important leaders “Sarkozy”, which one year later the national institution of education declared to cancel French classes from curriculum schools. All the newspapers advertised this silly fight in their break news, which was a success for Gaddafi.

By Bushra Tughar

From: Libya


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