Diaries of a Primary Researcher Part 2

“The journey of thousand miles begins with one step” this proverb has enhanced my sight in most of life’s challenges. I do not believe in magic nor miracles especially in situations that will create my destiny for the rest of my life. My vision as a candidate-teacher, the field of making researchers and writing itself is a practical and productive field rather than just as it used to be for most students. Besides that, I think this sort of works might occur a cavity in the journey of preparing for the graduation project if it is skipped, which will cause a hole that properly can slip me or drift into it. I can say that the research portfolio is one of the powerful tools in every field of study, as well as I do not recommend canceling it in most studying fields. Even that, I see executing sudden or even planned exams, not a mindful opinion or a justification of the ability of my writing or possessing such a knowledge to prove in one day or specific time whether on the paper exam. And as I mentioned above of drawing destiny by one huge step might birth the worst scenario ever.

I consider assessing one paper, which is done in a scheduled time, has no justice because of the time rushing and the unexpected errors that may have occurred, that the instructor properly will look at as if my final answer and have limited ability such as grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes, misbeliefs about writing in general standard.

By Bushra Tughar

From: Libya

Website: http://bashra95ali6.wordpress.com

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