
Warm fingertips sliver down the spine in tense anticipation.
Gentle, yet, controlling hands grip shapely hips.
Gripped waist and the taste of cushion lips.
Tongue like a snake, pink, wiggles and drags along caramel skin.
An entanglement like a bag of connected extension cords.
Surges of electric energy shoot static charges where the cords meet.
Fleeing glances prance around loving dances.
Care free sensations and no chance for frustration.
All sins forgiven and the rotten is forgotten.
The wrong is gone and blissful shocks are shot.
Mellow flows melt flowing metal.
Bodies or water.
Warm fingertips sliver down the spine in relief.


By Amber Black

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The ocean sky over the sky ocean.

I’m nervous.

Clouds above, distorted below.

My hands are warm wrapped in his.

The silhouette of seagulls dance with fish.

My cheeks are warm.

A horizon where one half of the sun is perfectly circular and the other is jagged and deformed.

Hot pink in the sky.

I feel how tall he is next to me.

Deep orange waters.

I can feel he’s nervous too.

We can’t help but smile.

We can’t help but hold on.

We can’t help but be here and now.

Shut eyes and loud ocean waves.

I’m certain the wind shushes me when it touches the water.

As long as he doesn’t let go I don’t need to open my eyes.

Warmth is the assurance.

A present sky needs no witnesses.


By Amber Black

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Fuck My Way, Yours Is Wrong

I love to get fucked

Sex is about the experience

Don’t put more meaning on it than there needs to be

Enjoy the moment and take the risks

Hold my wrists over my head with one hand

Throat tight with the other

Flip me over when you feel it’s right

Don’t wait for permission or instructions

Roll the fucking dice, dominate me

Hit me, don’t ask if I’m serious

Stick your fucking tongue down my throat!

Use your tongue EVERYWHERE!

Want oral? Give oral.

I’m not greedy, I’m the example.

Don’t ask if you can put it in my ass!

Don’t even bring up anal

I’ll put it there if I want it there!

Sperm sucks! No you can’t shoot your load

In my hair, on my face, on my tits,

What’s that even about?

After you come, please, shut the fuck up!

I leave first.


By Amber Black

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Word Picture

Picture these words: Neon dust clouds ring in a pair of shadows, a girl and her dog. Close by, an approaching tornado of pastel teals and cyber pinks. A star-filled duke sky surrounds the cornflower moon. Onyx grass holds the scene over it. The girl’s smoke dress dances with the commanding gusts, yet she blandly leans and tilts along.

The delighted graphite dog barks in pure ecstasy at the girl. He hyperventilates, tongue out. Running to the field was no walk in the park, but he treats it as if it is when there’s a color storm.

The girl’s hands hover high above her head, grasping at the sky as the tornado nears. Her hopes are to touch the shades of every color, to understand the nature of beauty.


By Amber Black

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I’m trying to change

An attempt to be anyone else

Aware that that’s not actually achievable

I just want to make you proud

Maybe that’s just a childish delusion

And dreams don’t truly come true, do they?

But it’s not just for you

It’s for me too

Hoping it will make me happy

Fantasyzing that I’ve found my calling

And what if I fail?

A fear like I’ve never felt before


By Amber Black

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