
The ocean sky over the sky ocean.

I’m nervous.

Clouds above, distorted below.

My hands are warm wrapped in his.

The silhouette of seagulls dance with fish.

My cheeks are warm.

A horizon where one half of the sun is perfectly circular and the other is jagged and deformed.

Hot pink in the sky.

I feel how tall he is next to me.

Deep orange waters.

I can feel he’s nervous too.

We can’t help but smile.

We can’t help but hold on.

We can’t help but be here and now.

Shut eyes and loud ocean waves.

I’m certain the wind shushes me when it touches the water.

As long as he doesn’t let go I don’t need to open my eyes.

Warmth is the assurance.

A present sky needs no witnesses.


By Amber Black