Full Circle

A new year has begun, and yet, I am stuck.

I am stuck in a past that is from yesteryear,

but this energy has no material presence here.

I am looking back. I need to focus on my for-

ward momentum. Forward past the present

and plant myself into my distant future.

Where will I go? Who shall I be?

If I plant myself in the present, then I can gaze

into all directions. I can pull the past in until

I let it go. The arrow zooms as it flies free.

There, as I stand in the cosmos of myself, I can observe how the past surfs along the elliptical surpassing my doubts and meeting my future with its branch extended outward.

As my shadow meets my aspirations, darkness and light combine into a revelation of har-mony. I carry that wisdom inside. Now, I am able to see far beyond the yesterday that onceconsumed me. Peace is balancing my inner journey with my struggle for an outer identity.

By DL Mullan

From: United States

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