Chakra Trauma

Loving me is a death sentence to which there is no repentance… damaged so deep it’s surpasses the vein and rests within my dna… 

Start at the crown and work your way down…

You can’t reach enlightenment when you’re drowning in your environment… but who is the victim? Nothing can survive in the Dead Sea of me.. 

Within my eyes you’ll find entry to your demise… you cling to my body, I cling to the lies… theres danger that rests behind my blind third eye but our lives are innertwined.. you’ll never be free.. run as fast as you can away from me..

Make your way to the throat that’s been silenced by man… whose covered it’s surface with their own very hands. No matter what I do someone is wounded.. bound by the laws of man, bound by the laws of spirit.. soul ties and more lies…my grip on reality is about to slip. 

A laugh so infectious, but a soul venomous to your own solar plexus.. don’t go down this road you’ll never find your way home… the very nature that draws you in will slam the prison cell shut if you come too close. 

Suspended in time where the beats were froze…

Now you’ve reached the heart that’s been torn violently apart… it’s been ravaged and thrown away, but the light though dimmed, will not depart. It captures your will and drags you down hill. We’re one now. Regret replacing vow. 

My own Manipura in the base of my tummy… screaming I’m worthy while your “I love you’s” tastes like blood money.. confidence is an illusion and you seeing through me is an intrusion…

Now Come lay at the center of my sacral chakra… the very place men come to die.. it’s where my strength exists… unless they persist. I don’t have permission to say no so take what you want and let me lay low. Don’t fall in love I’m nothing more than a ghost…

Visualize a siren.. singing you all the way to the root where the rot has spread simply because what loved me is dead…No father in the home, left completely alone… the little girl cries and the only remaining desire is to die. 

Have you had enough? Or are you still trying to call my bluff?

By Becca Hulen

From: United States