A Faint Flickering

A faint flickering of light catches my attention

And lingering just a moment

Illuminates aged memories

And emotions long forgotten

Another place and time

Brought forward to here and now

I see a verdant green field

The grass, high, spotted with bluebells and daisies

Sunlight mottling a languid brook

Her flaxen hair

Catching in the high weeds

As we lie in the lengthening shadows

of the ebbing day

Butterflies flit along the edges of our space

And what I thought the fluttering swish of their wings

Is her low laughter at the sheer joy

Of the monarchs passing over us

A slight catch of breath

Startles me from my reverie

Returning me to the present

I look again for the spark that sent me so gently into the past

But with the shedding of a single, warm tear

And touch of soft hand

Find the light


By Mike Turner

From: United States

Website: http://www.MikeTurnerSongwriter.com

Instagram: MikeTurnerSongwriter

Twitter: SchoonerSkipper

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/MikeTurnerSongwriter