Ceremony And Sacrifice...

Ceremony and Sacrifice of the Heart

Love is a ritual of sacrifice. When somebody brakes your hard, you feel it stops its beat. The rhythm stops and you get lost. The rhythm of your life stops for a while and gets new direction. It happens to all of us.


The biggest sacrifice is to marry. The rituals vary, but the meaning stays

 – To reproduce and to carry the life sentence of somebody else.


We all grow with legends and fables of princesses and queens,

Who kiss glorious knights and kings after heroic battles with villains and fire-dash dragons.

We fancy the ritual of the first touch, the first kiss, or the first time of making love;

The sacred ritual when two soils become one... In fact,

The biggest sacrifice on the end is the HEART that we give to someone with hope

For living happily ever after; with faith that the fable will never end with pain or divorce.

And nobody to rip off our heart that’s full of desires; a heart that has a galloping pulse; 

And sometimes, it’s almost silent admiring sunrises, sunsets, and the shimmering stars above. 

We worship a heart that’s full of courage and hope; the one that can endure the storms,

Tornados and unexpected floods of daily emotions and pumps with devotion; 

We fancy a heart with pulse that we hear in our dreams;

So, we can catch in the morning the glimpse of the sun and start a new day.

The biggest ritual that we make, is to put our heart on display 

On the same altar of love that we create ourselves and to keep this precious flame.

In return, simply hoping IT WON’T BE BURNT.

By Petrouchka Alexieva

From: United States

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/petrouchka.alexieva